Recently JoomlArt has been recommended by as BEST WEB TEMPLATE provider to their community (listed under Web Tools directory).

It's great that we are considered as provider for ready made website templates on a renowned hosting review site. It shows that JoomlArt is a trusted brand and we will further do our job to provide value to web owners. This is an excerpt of what JoomlArt has been praised for by their editors:
If you are an avid web developer interested in modern and efficient development frameworks, JoomlArt deserves your attention.
Their framework support extends beyond tools and templates; it ties together a community of users, each of whom has a common interest.
Access to user forums is a vital tool to any developer. The ability to consult with others to correct problems or creatively conceptualize solutions is at the heart of the development process. JoomlArt's user forums for each of these development areas, along with its own JoomlArt public forums, are a valuable resource for developers and web designers.
In addition to these support areas, JoomlArt also provides valuable resources that extend its development tools and information.
JoomlArt's award as best web tool by is well deserved. It reflects how valuable this web site is. Those in the development community can only benefit from the information hosted. For those who are unfamiliar with this site, there is no better time than now to check it out.
By Zoe Davis, for (read full article)