JA Joomla Page Builder 1.0.6 has been released, the new version has 5 new content blocks, and 15+ issues have been fixed. Check out the details below :

Joomla page builder 1.0.6 released
1. 5 new content blocks
The new version has 5 new layouts for Features Intro, Testimonial and Contact content type
2. Page options import
The page import has 1 more option: Import global settings (Overwrite) that allow you to import settings you did for the page exported.

Import page with settings
3. Improvements
Text element: add option to edit source code

Edit source code for text element
More options for link: title & open in new window

More options for link
And other great improvements
- Specify image dimensions
- Feature request: add lightbox popup to layer
4. 15 Bug fixes
- Testimonial 5/8: Got css error
- Article Editor: Tab disappears when clicked
- Filter Gallery: Uppercase or lowercase should be the same category
- Can't open sub-menu item of 'Menu Heading' menu type when view on iphone/ipad
- Content section displays error when create new page
- Testimonial 4: should show control button if the block having many testimonials
- Icon type: can't change icon color
- Contact 4-5: "Input background color" parameter doesn't work
- Contact 4.1: "Form position" parameter doesn't work
- Problem when create new article
- YouTube video: "Show info" toggle not working
- Statistics Style 1.1 – trigger animation upon scroll
- Language of Gallery block
- Link "target" not editable (new window or not)
- Feature Intro 11.1 not working on Android phones
- Tabs & Gallery conflict
Important: Package Upgrade is required
1. Take full backup of your site
2. Download latest package of JA Builder download page and go to your site backend >> Extensions >> Manage and install the new package, the new version will override old version. The upgrade does not affect data or settings.
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