Joomla 3.3 templates compatibility status and JoomlArt future plan on the upgrade process are the most asked questions we have been received from you guys for the last 3 weeks. So here is how it goes.
If you haven’t been hyped up with the Joomla 3.3 lately, check out our mini series in Joomla 3.3.
What have already been compatible with Joomla 3.3?
JA Sugite - May Responsive Joomla template for Portfolio : It was released 2 weeks back, you catch up with the announcement here.
The Joomla template framework - T3 : Also up to date with Joomla 3.3 as well. In fact, it was shipped a few days after Joomla 3.3 is out. Read the news here.
6 more Joomla templates are updated today:
Those are:
- JA University T3 - Responsive Joomla template for Education T3 Framework version
- JA Decor - Responsive Joomla template for Interior Decor
- JA Bookshop - Responsive Joomla template for online Bookstores
- Purity III - the Best Free Responsive Joomla template for any Joomla project
- JA Biz - Responsive Joomla template for Business
- JA Appolio - Responsive Joomla template for Corporate

6 Responsive Joomla templates are Joomla 3.3 ready
All the details on the update can be found on each template's changelog:
- JA University T3 version 1.1.0: Changelog | Demo | Download | Compare
- JA Decor version 1.1.0: Changelog | Demo | Download | Compare
- Purity III version 1.1.0: Changelog | Demo | Download | Compare
- JA Bookshop version 1.1.0: Changelog | Demo | Download | Compare
- JA Biz version 1.1.0: Changelog | Demo | Download | Compare
- JA Appolio version 1.1.0: Changelog | Demo | Download | Compare
Along with these 6 Joomla templates, we have upgraded 9 built-in Joomla extensions accordingly. Those include:
- JA sidenew module version 2.6.4: Changelog | Download | Compare
- JA Contentslider module version 2.6.9: Changelog | Download | Compare
- JA Bulletin module version 2.5.8: Changelog | Download | Compare
- JA Slideshow module version 2.7.1: Changelog | Download | Compare
- JA Image Hotspot module version 1.0.6: Changelog | Download | Compare
- JA Login module version 2.6.3: Changelog | Download | Compare
- JA Popup module version 1.1.0: Changelog | Download | Compare
- JA Disqus Debate Echo plugin version 2.6.2: Changelog | Download | Compare
- JA Google Map plugin version 2.5.7: Changelog | Download | Compare
Going to upgrade? Remember to always back-up before proceeding to any of the update process and it's best to follow the upgrade steps at below.
Upgrade steps
- View the comparison between versions at JoomlArt Version Updates and replace the affected files, if you have not customized the affected files.
- Recommended : Use JA Extensions Manager Component for upgrade. Watch video for how to upgrade using JAEM.
What are going to be updated next?
We are trying to get as much templates done as we can. First on the list will be T3 Framework based template, specially to all the Bootstrap 3 compatible, then Bootstrap 2 compatibility. Next will be the JA T3 Framework version 2.
To sum it up in picture, here is how our Joomla 3.3 upgrade process would look like:

JoomlArt Joomla 3.3 Roadmap
I'm only interested in Microdata feature for Joomla 3.3, what can I do?
If you are interested in the microdata features, there are several ways you can achieve that WITHOUT upgrading to joomla 3.3 by either using a 3rd party extension or look forward to upcoming blog post about microdata implementation.
We see you then!