T3 Framework version 3 is now available at T3 Framework homepage. Head over there to view demo, download and have your hands on all the documentation in this framework.
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Let’s start with a screenshot on how the JA T3 3.0 Template Administration panel will look like ?
T3 3.0 Administration Panel
Note: To receive a notification as soon T3 3.0 is released, sign-up for our newsletter and be one of the first to get access to the download link.
The Template Administration panel will be completely different from the previous version. More user friendly and with full width, it will contain some details, useful links and resources regarding T3 3.0.
Only for Joomla 3.0?
No! Our T3 3.0 Framework will be fully compatible with Joomla 2.5.x and Joomla 3.x versions, giving you the flexibility to choose between these two versions of this great CMS. In case it is not clear to you which version of Joomla you should choose for your website, have a look at this great video - Understanding Joomla! Versions made by Joomla.Main features of T3 3.0 Framework
FEATURE 1 Responsive Design

T3 3.0 fits all devices
The future is mobile. The introduction of smartphones, Iphones and tablets has opened a new world for web and apps developers and a new set of needs. JoomlArt has always been on the forefront on this and our responsive templates, like JA Wall, JA Elastica, JA Lens, JA University, JA Zite ... were a great success among our users. View more JoomlArt Responsive Templates.
We think it is important to have a website that is displayed beautifully on all devices and our new framework takes additional care of this requirement. No more needs of different templates for each type of mobile device, your template will adapt automatically to the screen size of the device and display all the content in an intuitive and simple way.
Our T3 3.0 Framework and all our new templates will be HTML 5 ready.FEATURE 3 LESS vs CSS
LESS is an open-source dynamic stylesheet language created by Alexis Sellier, also known as cloudhead, in 2009 that extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions.Inspired by Sass and CSS, LESS can be used in many ways and LESS files can be, if needed, recompiled into CSS.
Want to know more LESS vs CSS ?
FEATURE 4 Twitter Bootstrap
Developed by Twitter, Bootstrap is a powerful toolkit built with LESS that consists in a collection of CSS and HTML for typography, forms, tables, grids, buttons, charts etc.
Bootstrap is supported by T3 3.0 Framework and is also one of the main features of the new version of Joomla, Joomla 3.0, that has been released at the end of September.
Bootstrap supports responsive design and it is available open source on Github.
Want to know more Twitter Bootstrap ?
FEATURE 5 ThemeMagic
Similar to Wordpress, our own customizer ThemeMagic will allow you to customize the template and see immediately how the changes will affect the front-end. For example, you will be able to change the Theme, from Default (picture below):
JA T3 3.0 Default Theme
to “Dark” and see immediately how your website will look after the change:

JA T3 3.0 Dark Theme
and modify other aspects of your website, like the background, the text and link colors.

Powerful Customization
In the Visual tab, you will be able to change the Elements radius, invert the colors of the navigation bar and of the spotlight and change the logo / set it as text.
Module tab will allow you to change modules background, text, title text and title background colors.
In the Typo tab, you will be able to set the font size and to choose the fonts and heading fonts family.
The last tab, Footer Styles gives you the ability to change the color of the module and of the module’s title.
Note: You can allow unlimited parameters to be customized at the MagicTheme.
Multiple Themes Simultaneously and Different Layouts
With T3 3.0 Framework you will have the ability to use multiple themes simultaneously and you will be able to choose between different layouts. 3 Columns, Content + Right Sidebar, Left Sidebar + Content, Multiple columns layout, Full width are only some of the possible solutions for your website.
In the JA T3 Template Administration panel you will also be able to enable or disable Megamenu, the third generation navigation system.
These are just some of the main features of the new T3 3.0 Framework. More is yet to come and soon you will be able to download and test drive our framework on your websites! Stay tuned!