This March, JoomlArt’s new responsive Joomla template JA Decor will make your tasks easier when developing a template for Interior Design, Decor, Architecture, or even eCommerce site with full-fledged shopping cart solution.
What's so great about JA Decor?
Combination of basic features
JA Decor is shipped with the today’s essential features:
- Fully responsive Joomla template
- Right-to-left language layout
- Megamenu and Off-Canvas menu system
All these are thanks to the latest T3 Framework with Bootstrap 3 at core.

Responsive Joomla Template for eCommerce - JA Decor
Megamenu is well known for creating a better navigation and neatly organized content structure. You can easily customize the JA Decor Megamenu. With this user-friendly back-end, you’re now a few clicks away from adding more menu styles, animations, icons or turning on/off the sticky feature. More on the Megamenu configuration can be found here.

Better navigation with Megamenu
Responsive is a must these days to ensure you can reach out to a wider customer base. JA Decor is one site-fits-all (screens) and support Off-Canvas menu in mobile and tablet devices as a special treat for mobile users.

One site-fit-all (screens) with responsive design
A part of our JoomlArt lovers are from Right-to-left (RTL) language countries. We understand the pain of converting a site into RTL, so we put that pain on us, and make sure your JA Decor is RTL language layout compatible.

RTL language layout
A rocking corporate portfolio site featuring EasyBlog
What needs to be considered in crafting a corporate portfolio site? May I say blogging, product showcase, corporate info and contact details at the least?
JA Decor is our 10th Joomla template that supports the famous EasyBlog component for a convenient blogging experience.

EasyBlog for a convenient blogging experience
However, if you are skeptical about using 3rd party extension, the Joomla article system is always there to count on. In JA Decor, we tweak the article layout, allowing you to add module into an article. You can insert up to two modules before or after the article content, whether it’s a gallery slideshow, video box or anything you can come up with to “beautify” your content.

Article layout on JA Decor
For product portfolio showcase, you can make use of JA Decor’s Featured Projects page to display your merchandise in either list or grid view. We also take the advantage of Mansory to spice things up for this page alone. The neat thing about this is you can set the number of items being displayed according to different screen sizes.

Featured Projects
Does your company have multiple offices, and you’re struggling to find a clever way to display them on your site? The Joomla extension - JA Google Maps plugin come with the is the answer. It features various map types with contact details in pop up description box. Moreover, in its latest version, the plugin allows you color-styling the map to match with the template color. More details on the setting configuration can be found in JA Decor documentation.

Clever way to display your company addresses
As a corporate template, JA Decor is powered with custom designed pages for business. The setting up process will be hassle free, you just need to focus on the content, as the rest will be our designers' tasks. JA Decor is bundled with up to 10 bonus pages, including: Login Page, 404 Page, Offline, Contact Us, Web Links, News Feed, Typography, Smart Search, Registration Page, etc.
eCommerce ready - Native MijoShop support
If you are not satisfied with just showcasing your products, and consider to turn your site into an eCommerce site, JA Decor would make it much easier as it integrates seamlessly with the popular shopping cart component – MijoShop. Since the release of JA Bookshop template with Mijoshop two months ago, we have received positive feedback and requests from users to continue supporting this 3rd party component in this month’s template. This powerful shopping cart component has hundreds of payment gateways and shipping methods for a great eCommerce experience.

Joomla Shopping cart MijoShop on JA Decor
JA Decor is specially dedicated for interior decoration website with dynamic blocks, corners and slanting lines for a feel of depth and angle. Yet it can come in handy for any type of website from corporate to eCommerce ones. And this is just a brief review of JA Decor, we suggest you to dive into it with your own experience.
If you aren’t an active club membership yet, you can still build your own JA Decor demo via our Demo Builder and explore it yourself. We’d love to hear your thoughts on JA Decor!