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Joomla 3.5 stable release is almost here (hopefully upcoming week). We are excited about this version and random testing of our Joomla templates are working well with the current Joomla 3.5 RC release. Joomla 3.5 ship with some cool features. Let me brief some of them here and the same has been summarized in a infographic, which you can share with others to help spread the Joomla 3.5 news.

Joomla 3.5 new features explained

1. PHP 7 Support

Joomla 3.5 will be fully compatible with PHP 7 thereby enhancing performance.

2. Update email plugin

update email plugin

Email will be sent to Webmaster when there is new Joomla versions.

The plugin checks for the availability of new Joomla versions and send email to webmaster to remind for updating the Joomla site to new versions.

3. Anonymized data plugin

This plugin will send (opt-in) server environment info to, helping them to make data based decisions for Joomla Project. Once the site is upgraded to Joomla 3.5, you will see a message in the back-end to ask for permission to collect the basic information.

collect data plugin

Setting for permission to collect server environment info

You can enable or disable this feature anytime by accessing the plugin settings.

collect data plugin

System - Joomla! Statistics plugin setting

As mentioned, the plugin just send the basic server info so there is no risk when you enable the plugin, here is a sample:

Unique ID: cf1280ed459fa8413d6c7ca3989db6c1b4167c7e
PHP Version: 5.5.12
DB Type: mysqli
DB Version: 5.6.17
CMS Version: 3.5.0
Server OS: Windows NT 6.2 

4. Count items

Adds the number of published, unpublished and trashed articles in the category manager. In short counting made easy.

5. Insert Modules into Articles

insert modules into articles

New option to insert modules to article

The new default article editor has a button Modules, hit the button and you will have a popup with list of available modules to insert into the article. Please note that, you can always use the loading module tag (as was the way in earlier Joomla versions).

{loadmodule mod_search,Search}

6. System info export

Many users get trouble when ask for support with issues relates to system, at that time, they are requested to provide support team their system info. Joomla 3.5 allows user to export / download their site system information.

download system information

Export system information

To download system information, go to System ยป System Information, you will see 2 buttons Download as text and Download as JSON. In the file, you will see lots of information:

  • System information
  • PHP Settings
  • Configuration File
  • Folder Permissions
  • PHP Information

7. Drag and drop image

drag and drop images

Drag and drop image

The feature allows you to drag and drop images into the tinyMCE editor, it could save you time when updating content as you no longer have have to upload images to hosting.

8. Backwards compatibility break

Joomla 3.5 will have backward compatibility for older php versions.

You can clone your site and upgrade to Joomla 3.5 RC for testing, you can check the detail instruction to upgrade to Joomla 3.5 RC for testing โ†’

Joomla 3.5 new features infographic

update email plugin

Joomla 3.5 new features infographic

Feel free to embed and share this infographic on your site, copy and paste the code below:

<img src="" >
<p>Joomla 3.5 new features - An infographic by <a href="">JoomlArt</a></p>

That's it. There can be other great features and improvements, please feel free to share in the comment below.