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Our first responsive eCommerce Joomla template - JA Bookshop featuring the leading Joomla shopping cart component Mijoshop from Miwisoft (the well-known Joomla software development, formerly known as Mijosoft) was way back in December 2013, resulting from our open customer polls - where we asked our customers to vote on what kind of templates you would like to have in the coming months.

Four months and more than a hundred thousands downloads later, we have come to question ourselves that: "Why wouldn't we collaborate with Miwisoft earlier?".

In this article, we look back along the way and round up what we have done so far: Three responsive JoomlArt's Joomla templates with the powerful Joomla shopping cart component Mijoshop.


With an aim to outline our commitment for providing support to released Joomla templates over the years, we have come up with a simple timeline illustrating our approach for future updates and support for the templates released over the past 4 years. Now, since Joomla! release strategy keeps on changing, for our timeline we are using tentative dates for future versions and our plan.


This Easter, we've teamed up with our friends at Freepik to offer a special and exclusive gift for JoomlArt readers. Instead of bringing you the colorful Easter eggs and icons, we've decided to go with something more useful: a business icon set featuring of 100+ icons and illustrations. The package was crafted by talented designers with all their hearts and minds. This set is perfect fit for any of your design projects, e.g. web design, corporate design, business papers, presentations etc.


Hey everyone,

We can't believe the year 2013 is almost over. This year just flew by too fast and it has been A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. We know you guys might not be able to keep up with everything we've done in 2013. So here we are, try to wrap all the big news and projects in this blog.

Joomla templates club

We have released 12 responsive Joomla templates this year, if you missed any of them, you can quickly go through the below:


Attention: All the deals are over now!

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!

Christmas is almost here. To help you hunt down the best deals during this special season of the year, we'll be collecting ALL available deals, coupon codes on EVERYTHING Joomla related around the internet into this one single blog post.


Attention: Christmas sales is extended to January 3rd, 2014. Grab your deal!

Tis the season to be jolly,

We still cannot believe the year 2013 is about to end soon, and Christmas is almost here.

This season, we would like to offer YOU the special Christmas deal of 25% OFF flat off on all subscriptions (Including renewal and upgrade, and does not apply for Bundles) from Dec 20th, 2013 to January 3rd, 2014 with the coupon code: JAXMAS13.


Attention: All the deals are over now!

Hi guys,

Happy Thanksgiving, Black Friday & Cyber Monday (Phew! What's a mouthful!).

I know how hard it is to hunt down the best deal during this time of the year (‘cause I do too). To save you guys the time, we'll be collecting ALL the available deals on Joomla templates from EVERYWHERE around the internet into this one single blog post.


Guys, Thanksgiving is almost here, and the shopping craze is following up with Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Woo hoo!!!

That’s it: this is the holiday of thankfulness, the time to express thanks to those you love. We appreciate all your supports throughout this crazy year and this HUGE discount deals are all about YOU.

This year we have a calendar sale, and making sure we don't miss anyone or any packages. If you have been saving up all years, this is the time to spend LESS for MORE.


We kickoff this year's Christmas season early with our traditional free logo decorations for our members.

Free Christmas Logo Decoration.

Due to unavoidable circumstances we were not able to offer the free logo decorations last year but we are back on track this year, get your logo's touched by the JoomlArt's designers and get your site ready for this Christmas. Wondering how it works? Its easy, you give us your logo and we do the magic, check out how we did it last time.


Customers are crucial to any business model, and we understand that customer support plays an extremely important role here. It is difficult to make every individual customer happy. Hence I decided to take this opportunity to give you a tour around the workings of the customer support system today, with a few infographics down below (We know how wording can be puzzling and confusing, visualization is a much better option to stick with), and hopefully give you guys a chance to be in our shoes, even for a few minutes.


Warning: Please remember to ALWAYS take due back-up to your site before proceeding to any of the update to Joomla 3.2. Also take in consideration that some of our products are not yet compatible with Joomla 3.2 and we are still working on the upgrading process. We shall give you a heads up when everything is ready.

Joomla 3.2 stable release is finally here after its first public testing release since October 11th, 2013. Then, what's new in Joomla! 3.2?

We put those new features in a quick infographic, so you can share it with your friends to spread the news on Joomla 3.2. It's always something new for everyone!


I have been considering making a BIG change on how our customer support works. The idea came to me during my last visit to Stackideas.com - the best Joomla extension provider in the community (at least it is in my book). The support forum just blew me away with the Flattr button located at the bottom of each answer. When I found the answer to my problem, I could “thank” the author with Flattr. This allows them to later exchange this donation for real cash $$$. If you do not how Flattr works, jump over to the Flattr page website to get an insight.

Over the last few weeks, I have spent a lot of my time digging deeper into Flattr. I strongly believe it is the perfect system for our JoomlArt community along with our current private ticket system (using Kayako) and open support system on our forum (running Vbulletin)
