JA Atoms

Professional multipurpose eCommerce Joomla template

Available for Joomla 5 Joomla 4

JA Atoms Introduction

Quick Info

  • Updated on:14 Nov, 2023
  • Version:2.1.0 Changelog
  • Download:3,315
  • (4.4 / 269 votes)

JA Atoms is a professional multipurpose eCommerce Joomla template offering Virtuemart eCommerce system integration. It is perfectly suitable for any ecommerce site: fashion & style, furniture or digital shop. JA Atoms with modern, elegant and creative design will help you promote your products.

Some important highlights of JA Atoms:

  • Fully supports Virtuemart Free Joomla eCommerce extension
  • 3 Homepage variations
  • 3 Product list page variations
  • 2 Product detail page variations
  • Clean and elegant checkout page
  • Bonus pages, all Joomla default pages

JA Atoms is built on the all-new T4 Framework that integrates Bootstrap 4, fully responsive, SEO & performance optimized, includes advanced features: layout builder, theme color setting, CSS & SCSS customization tool and more.

multipurpose ecommerce joomla template

Multipurpose Joomla template for eCommerce

The eCommerce template is an ultimate solution for any shop to sell and promote products online with all important pages and features for an ecommerce website: product list, product details, online payment and more.

virtuemart joomla ecommerce template

Fully support FREE Virtuemart Joomla eCommerce system

JA Atoms offers full Virtuemart eCommerce system integration with all features and pages support. Every single element is styled to have beautiful look and feel and give users the best shopping experience.

multipurpose joomla ecommerce template

Multiple Homepage layouts

Atoms template includes 3 styles and layouts for Homepage for different shops: fashion, clothing, megashop and furniture to give you more options and quickly build your ecommerce site. It is easy to customize the template to fit other product categories: hand-made, megashop, beauty shop ...

ecommerce joomla template products layout

3 Products page (product list) variations

Product is the core of an eCommerce website, and with 3 products page (product list page) variations supported by default, it is easy to show your products in a flexible and smart layout. User can access products faster.

ecommerce joomla template product slider layout

Beautiful product details page design

JA Atoms supports 2 product page detail layouts: standard product layout and the creative slider product layout. They are both well styled and structured that show off your product content in the smartest ways, highlight important info and easy & quickly checkout.

ecommerce joomla template product filter

Advanced product filter system using JA Megafilter

Beside the default filtering system from Virtuemart, JA Atoms fully supports advanced product filter system using the best Joomla search and filter extension - JA Megafilter. It is more flexible and customizable filters.

responsive ecommerce joomla template

Fully responsive design and mobile-friendly ready

The more responsive your website is, the better Google will rank you. The template keeps your online shopping website mobile-friendly, speed-optimized, and fully responsive on any device. Be it a tablet, desktop, laptop, or mobile, every single detail and element is well taken care of and can work perfectly regardless of what your screen sizes are.

ecommerce joomla default pages

Support all default Joomla pages

As all other JoomlArt's templates, the multipurpose eCommerce Joomla template supports all Joomla default pages and takes them to the next level with rich design elements and typography.

T4 framework ecommerce joomla template

Built with the new T4 Framework

Atoms is built with the all-new powerful T4 framework that includes advanced features for better website setup, customization and management such as layout builder, mega menu builder, advanced theme color settings, CSS & SCSS customization tool and many more.

  • VirtueMart