Three responsive Joomla Templates are updated this week for their latest versions – JA Social II version 1.0.3, JA PlayStore version 1.01 and JA Tiris version 2.5.9

Social II, PlayStore, Tiris got updated in January 2016
Details on these update can be found at their respective changelogs, and please ALWAYS back up your site before proceeding to the update process.
JA Social II - Joomla template for Social version 1.0.3 updated with minor bug fixes.
JA Social II version 1.0.3:
JA PlayStore - Joomla template for Games Shop version 1.0.1 updated with RTL layout support and Light theme.
JA PlayStore version 1.0.1:
JA Tiris - Joomla template version 2.5.9 updated for Jshopping 4.11.6 and Kunena component v4.0.8.
JA Tiris version 2.5.9:
Upgrade steps
- View the comparison between versions at JoomlArt Version Updates and replace the affected files, if you have not customized the affected files.
- RECOMMENDED : Use JA Extension Manager Component for upgrade. Watch video for how to upgrade using JAEM.
Any issue related to the update above can be discussed at JA Social II's forum.