Products Updates

Joomla Products Updates & Version release info

Howdy guys!

This is our first Joomla 3.1.5 upgrade load for Joomla templates. It includes Joomla templates for business portfolio - JA Business and JA Mendozite, the all time favorite Joomla template for news and magazine - JA Teline III, and the free blank Joomla template that everyone should have - JA T3v2 Blank. These 4 Joomla templates are now upgraded with the latest Joomla 3.1.5 version. Don’t get too excited just yet, please always remember to back-up before proceeding to any upgrading process. There were a few bug fix packed into these upgrade packages as well.

NOTE: These templates still run on our T3v2 framework and have been upgraded to work with Joomla 3.x versions. In future we would be upgrading them to T3v3 version

4 Joomla! templates for business are now compatible

4 Joomla! templates for business are now compatible

For more details on the update, please read its changelog.

Upgrade steps.

  • View the comparison between versions at JoomlArt Version Updates and replace the affected files, if you have not customized the affected files.
  • RECOMMENDED: Use JA extension Manager (JAEM) Component for upgrade. Watch video for how to upgrade using JAEM. Make sure you have latest version of JAEM installed on your site.

Any issues regarded to these updates, please feel free to discuss it in each respective template forum.