Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 104 total)
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  • ratankaur Friend

    Dear team,

    You can not survive in the market till your products are not user friendly for the non-tech persons as like the primary AIM of Joomla Because all Your joomla templates need technical skill for use your templates. Please note few things as under :

    1) All joomla position should be available in all templates and if any position will not in use then it should collapse.
    2) You should make the note sheet for each template that how can we change the color or Background with Line Nos and CSS details of a) Navigation b) Background 3) Main Body.

    3) Most of the Time your main content body or main position like left or right is missing on some of the good templates then you should mention that how can any use or create the content body or other position on the template.

    4) Also you should clarify the how can we create a position in simple of way of each templates with your line code with examples etc.

    If you follow these lines for each templates then you can save lot of time from Support & also you avoid frustration of your client . AT the last you can get almost 400% to 500% jump in sales and it will give you lot of additional fund. If your are reading the post as employee of the company then your should bring this matter to your owners as honest employee because these things will have more affect on your owners.


    mauriciorodriguezr Friend

    Ok, Very interesting

    jesuscorral Friend

    ok very nice

    ttaexam2013 Friend

    hi guys, is awesome site and going welldone traffic, thanks for the JOOMART.

    If you want to need any medical, engineering or other entrance exam books so don’t panic we’ve outstanding books for recruitment exams like DMRC, BSNL TTA, SBI PO etc.

    Thanks & Regards
    Disha Expert

    ttaexam2013 Friend

    How I can free download, this template?

    hi guys, is awesome site and going welldone traffic, thanks for the JOOMART.

    If you want to need any medical, engineering or other entrance exam books so don’t panic we’ve outstanding books for recruitment exams like DMRC, BSNL TTA, SBI PO etc.

    Thanks & Regards
    Disha Expert

    phong nam Friend

    Hi ttaexam2013,

    We have published only 3 free templates (Purity II, Elastica and T3 bank templates).JA Droid template is not free template which require you to buy a JATC membership at to use JA Droid & other commercial templates.

    VisiGod Friend

    While I totally agree with your schema, I would ask for simplification of the framework. Now to change some basic stuff, it usually requires editing in several files. Sometimes this is also not documented (i.e. I have to tail the whole directory to find out where to change something).
    Basically that is something that would probably qualify as “customization request”, but it is actually either overcomplication of T3 or lack of full documentation.

    Just my 2 cents 🙂

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    We are already working on documentation site and moving userguides out of forum to that site.

    You can let us know of any specific tutorial you would like us to write. It would be done.

    T3 framework is also being improved to be more userfriendly. The latest version include easy to insert javascripts or code snippets to the whole site. Most of the guys are lost when they have to add snippets to the end of < body> tag or </head > tag… now those things can be added from the template backend.

    here is the screenshot :

    1. add-code
    2. empty
    VisiGod Friend

    Main issue is too many CSS Files, block files, layout etc.
    So minimizing the number will make the customization easier.

    Phill Moderator

    <em>@VisiGod 379927 wrote:</em><blockquote>Main issue is too many CSS Files, block files, layout etc.
    So minimizing the number will make the customization easier.</blockquote>

    This is not really the thread to address this issue in but briefly the whole point of the new T3 system is to make life easier while also making loading much faster. Customization is really a breeze when you begin to understand less and block layouts are simple to adjust in most cases simply through the administration panel.

    If you would like to share your thoughts further then please start a thread dedicated to your issues and we will gladly discuss them.

    josevk11 Friend

    Cool!!! it’s nice

    partha 123 Friend

    ok thats great

    saweb_26 Friend

    ice / limitations will be effective for new users only and will be in place for current users when they upgrade.

    mido2013 Friend

    very cool!

    joyarzuncc Friend

    muy necesario

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 104 total)

This topic contains 104 replies, has 88 voices, and was last updated by  Sherlock 10 years, 9 months ago.

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