Template customization

How to customize JA Playmag template

Here is the steps when you customize template style.

Enable Development mode

JA Playmag is developed with LESS. When customizing template style, it's recommended to use .less files in templates/ja_playmag/less. When you enable developement mode, your site is running on LESS so that it's easy to debug to customize template style.

Enable dev mode

Customize your template style

When debug, Firebug is a good tool. You can customize style of template, track file to add the style to.

track file

Disable Development mode and compile LESS to CSS

After customizing your template, please disable Development mode, save the settings and compile LESS to CSS so that your customization will be compiled to CSS.

Compile LESS to CSS

You should optimize JS and CSS to improve performance of your site. The optimization is only applied for non-development mode. For more detail, please check it out at: http://t3-framework.org/documentation/new-features#optimization

If you are not familiar with LESS, you can customize your template with CSS. Add the customization style to the templates/ja_playmag/css/custom.css. The file is not overridden when compiling LESS to CSS and it works on both Development mode stataus: enabled and disabled.

Change logo image

JA Playmag uses 2 logos, one for large and medium layout and one for small layout. To change logos, please open the template style. In the "Theme" setting, select the "Image" logo type, browse logo for large and medium layout then logo in small layout.

logo configuration

Here is the front-page

JA Playmag logo

Please note that the changes are only applied for CURRENT template style only. If you want to change for all, you have to change for all template styles.

An other way to change logos globally is replacing the logo images:

  • Logo in large/medium layout: templates/ja_playmag/images/logo.png
  • Logo in large/medium layout: templates/ja_playmag/images/small_logo.png

Logo customization

1. Changing logo image path

To change logo image path, please open the file: templates/ja_playmag/less/variables.less, find the following code:

// T3 LOGO
// --------------------------------------------------
@t3-logo-image:               "@{t3-image-path}/logo/logo.png";

2. Changing logo style: alignment, padding, etc

The style of logo is in the file: templates/ja_playmag/less/style.less, find the code and customize as you expect.

// Logo
// ----
.logo {
  text-align: center;
  padding-right: 0;
  padding-left: @grid-gutter-width;
  width: auto;

  //Control screen mobile
  @media screen and (max-width: @screen-xs-max) {
    text-align: left;
    margin-top: -1px;
    position: relative;
    width: 25%;
    z-index: 1000;

  // Left align the logo on  Tablets / Desktop
  @media screen and (min-width: @screen-sm) {
    text-align: left;

  a {
    display: inline-block;
    line-height: 1;
    margin: 0;

3. Customize image logo style

Open the file: style.less again, find the code and customize as you expect.

// Logo Image
// ----------
.logo-image {
  padding: 0;
  line-height: 50px;
  height: 50px;

  .logo-img {
    display: inline-block;

  // Hide sitename and slogan
  span, small {
    display: none;

  //Control Logo On screen < 992px
  @media screen and (max-width: @screen-sm-max) {
    top: @t3-global-margin / 2;
    left: @t3-global-margin * 1.5;

    .logo-img-sm {
      display: inline-block!important;


4. Customize text logo style

Open the file: style.less again, find the code and customize as you expect.

// Logo Text
// ----------
.logo-text {

  a {
    margin-top: 5px;
    text-decoration: none;
    font-size: ceil(@font-size-base * 1.25);
    font-weight: bold;
    color: @white;

  &:hover a,
  a:focus {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: @white;

  // Taglines
  .site-slogan {
    display: block;
    font-size: 10px;
    margin-top: 5px;
    color: @white;


5. Change logo position size

Open the file: templates/ja_playmag/tpls/blocks/header.less, find the code and customize as you expect.

$logsize = 'col-xs-3 col-sm-2 col-md-2';
if ($headright = $this->countModules('search or followus or off-canvas')) {
$logsize = 'col-xs-3 col-sm-6 col-md-1';

When changing size of the logo position, you should change the size of other positions in header block to fit the total size.

JA Playmag main menu has special effect. The main menu is sticky but when you scoll down, it's not displayed, it's displayed when you scroll up. This design is based on user's behavior. When user scrolls down, you are focusing on content of the page so you don't need the main menu. But when user scroll up, that means they are looking for something else, main menu will help them to travel around your site to find the thing they want.

disable main menu effect

In case you want the main menu to be always sticky (when user scroll up and down), please open the file: templates\ja_playmag\js\script.js, find the JS:

scrollToggle = function () {
	$('html').removeClass ('hover');
	if (scrollDir == 1) {
		$('html').addClass ('scrollDown').removeClass ('scrollUp');
	} else if (scrollDir == -1) {
		$('html').addClass ('scrollUp').removeClass ('scrollDown');
	} else {
		$('html').removeClass ('scrollUp scrollDown');
	$('html').addClass ('animating');
	setTimeout(function(){ $('html').removeClass ('animating'); }, 1000);

Replace with the code

scrollToggle = function () {
	$('html').removeClass ('hover');
	if (scrollDir == 1) {
		$('html').addClass ('scrollUp');
	} else if (scrollDir == -1) {
		$('html').addClass ('scrollUp');
	} else {
		$('html').removeClass ('scrollUp');
	$('html').addClass ('animating');
	setTimeout(function(){ $('html').removeClass ('animating'); }, 1000);

By default, main menu of JA Playmag is sticky. You can make it unsticky. please open the file: templates\ja_playmag\js\script.js, find and remove the following JS:

unsticky main menu

		$('.ja-header').on ('hover', function () {
	$('html').removeClass ('scrollDown scrollUp').addClass ('hover');
	scrollDir = 0;

scrollToggle = function () {
	$('html').removeClass ('hover');
	if (scrollDir == 1) {
		$('html').addClass ('scrollDown').removeClass ('scrollUp');
	} else if (scrollDir == -1) {
		$('html').addClass ('scrollUp').removeClass ('scrollDown');
	} else {
		$('html').removeClass ('scrollUp scrollDown');
	$('html').addClass ('animating');
	setTimeout(function(){ $('html').removeClass ('animating'); }, 1000);