Products Updates

Joomla Products Updates & Version release info

It seems like we went missing, but Nope! Just got too busy on the upgrading process. So here it comes with another 3 Joomla templates upgraded to Joomla 3.1. They are: JA Ironis, JA Erio and JA Blazes.

3 more Joomla Templates now work on Joomla 3.1

Joomla templates: JA Ironis, JA Erio and JA Blazes are now Joomla 3.1 compatible.

These 3 Joomla templates are highly requested. If your favorite haven't made it on our upgrade list yet, be sure to request us "frequently". Otherwise, we would not have known!

That has been said. Let's get straight into each template's details below, and please DON’T forget to ALWAYS Backup first before any upgrade

1. JA Ironis 2.5.5:

3. JA Blazes version 2.5.5:

Upgrade steps.

  • View the comparison between versions at JoomlArt Version Updates and replace the affected files, if you have not customized the affected files.
  • RECOMMENDED : Use JA extension Manager (JAEM) Component for upgrade. Watch video for how to upgrade using JAEM. Make sure you have latest version of JAEM installed on your site.

If you have any issues related to the update, please discuss it in each respective template forums.