JA Masshead Module

Show off your masshead with titles, images and a short description

Available for Joomla 5 Joomla 4

JA Masshead Module Introduction

Quick Info

  • Updated on:22 Oct, 2021
  • Version:2.6.2 Changelog
  • Download:1,994
  • (3.9 / 234 votes)

JA Masshead module is used to display the masshead title like the JoomlArt masshead. With this module, the Masshead can be configured to be in any pages with different titles, descriptions as well as background images.

The module has been released with following templates: JA Tiris, JA Zite, JA University, JA Beranis, etc.

  • Display masthead in any page
  • All mastheads are managed in one field named: Configuration Conditions
  • Default title, description or based on defined conditions
  • Mass head with image background or solid background
  • All usage instructions are included in back-end setting panel

Display masshead in any page

The module uses page id or bases on elements in the link of the page to define masshead so that you can display masshead in any page (a menu item, an article, etc).

All massheads are managed in one field.

You don't have duplicate module to display masshead in different pages, all you have to do is defining the page you want to display masshead in with masshead title, description and background in the field: Configuration Condition

Default title, description or based on defined conditions

You can select to use default title and description for all pages that are assigned to display Masshead, otherwise, define title and description of masshead in each page.

Masshead with image background or solid background

Masshead in each page comes with different title, description and background as well. The background can be an image stored anywhere in "images" folder or solid background (for pages that you don't use image background).

All usage instructions are in back-end

The module includes the usage instructions in admin setting panel. You will see the supported formats, the configuration condition, etc. Each field in the setting panel also has tooltip that shows you the functionality of the field and how to use it.