JA Disqus Debate Plugin

Integrate IntenseDebate and Disqus systems into Joomla & K2 articles

Available for Joomla 5 Joomla 4

JA Disqus Debate Plugin Introduction

Quick Info

  • Updated on:26 Jan, 2024
  • Version:2.7.0 Changelog
  • Download:63,517
  • (4.5 / 231 votes)

JA Disqus Debate Plugin for integration of IntenseDebate and Disqus commenting system into Joomla! articles. Easy to use, Install, Configure and Option to enable it for all, enable for limited categories or individual articles OR disable for individual articles too.

  • Disqus or IntenseDebate comment provider
  • Support Joomla and K2 content
  • Comment form position is configurable
  • Automatic or Manual integration mode
  • Comment count is configurable

Disqus or IntenseDebate provider

The plugin supports 2 popular comment providers: IntenseDebate or Disqus. Just select comment provider then add corresponding account.

Support Joomla and K2 content

You can enable Disqus | IntenseDebate comment form in K2 content, Joomla content or both Joomla and K2 content.

Automatic or Manual integration mode

The plugin supports 2 integration modes: Manual or Automatic. The Automatic mode display comment in all articles while the Manual Mode only displays Comment in article that has tag added.

Enable Comment Count or not

You can enable or disable comment count. The comment Count can be configured to displayed in list page and detail page. Its position can be: After title, After display content, etc.

Comment form position is configurable

The Disqus | IntenseDebate comment form can be configured to be displayed After Content or After Display Content

Joomla 4 extension support

Joomla 4 disqus comment extension

Joomla 4 stable is out with huge updates and improvements. The extension is updated to fully support the latest Joomla version. Install and set it up on your Joomla 4 website.