Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 78 total)
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  • tom_laan84 Friend

    Exaclty. Thats the problem. K2 item front-end is not suitable for a submission like this. Too much stuff that is being displayed that is not needed. And no advanced submission features that we should need for a prober submission template. You can talk all you want as long as it does not get a dedicated directory template this template is **Expletive Obfuscated**. Just a pretty USELESS picture….

    Phill Moderator

    I have edited your post to remove the minor expletive. Please try and be careful how you word things as people of all ages do visit these forums and we would like to keep it family friendly so to speak. Hope you understand.

    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @tom_laan84,

    We would appreciated if you could suggest any part that need to be improved or let me know which Joomla! template out there you think is the best one and why ? Therefore we can recheck our template and decide to update it if necessary.

    James G Friend

    <em>@tom_laan84 481738 wrote:</em><blockquote>Exaclty. Thats the problem. K2 item front-end is not suitable for a submission like this. Too much stuff that is being displayed that is not needed. And no advanced submission features that we should need for a prober submission template. You can talk all you want as long as it does not get a dedicated directory template this template is **Expletive Obfuscated**. Just a pretty USELESS picture….</blockquote>

    This is a valid point.

    I’m still rather baffled as to why a directory template has been released without using a directory component.

    As i mentioned before. Its fine if you wish to use a free component like K2 but give users the option to pay for a much more fully functional directory component.

    superroo Friend

    <em>@tom_laan84 481738 wrote:</em><blockquote>Exaclty. Thats the problem. K2 item front-end is not suitable for a submission like this. Too much stuff that is being displayed that is not needed. And no advanced submission features that we should need for a prober submission template. You can talk all you want as long as it does not get a dedicated directory template this template is **Expletive Obfuscated**. Just a pretty USELESS picture….</blockquote>

    Totally disagree. K2 is great in that you can create so much through template modifications and use of the extra fields. And like the output templates, you can also create a very simple *submission* form that would be fit for purpose.

    Its funny that this template seems to have had such a poor reception here, whereas it is the only one for ages that has convinced me to renew my membership – just to see the functionality admittedly.

    I am now using the same map and filter functions on a new house rental website – where users can search for properties through the map or through rent price, number of rooms etc. 🙂

    James G Friend

    Superroo no one is disagreeing that K2 isn’t a great component however the option should be provided for users to have the ability to use a fully fledged directory component which offers far more features than K2 can.

    You wouldn’t create a shopping cart template and use K2 instead of Mijoshop/Virtuemart/etc.

    You wouldn’t release a hotel template and use K2 instead of Solidres/Jomres/etc.

    And so on…

    I can see a user above has mentioned they develop and a directory component and would be willing to offer a discount if they incorporated it into the template – it doesnt take much to ask developers of components this. Im sure most would be happy to offer a discount as it will increase their user base.

    James G Friend

    Also my point has been proved by the new rental template which is being released – using a dedicated component.

    James G Friend

    Also my point has been proved by the new rental template which is being released – using a dedicated component.

    James G Friend

    Also my point has been proved by the new rental template which is being released – using a dedicated component.

    superroo Friend

    I agree with your previous point anyway. It should have a purpose built component integrated.

    But I was pointing out that it is possible to make user friendly and fit for purpose admission forms with K2.

    For me personally, this template came along at the right time to help me with a K2 project…

    superroo Friend

    I agree with your previous point anyway. It should have a purpose built component integrated.

    But I was pointing out that it is possible to make user friendly and fit for purpose admission forms with K2.

    For me personally, this template came along at the right time to help me with a K2 project…

    superroo Friend

    I agree with your previous point anyway. It should have a purpose built component integrated.

    But I was pointing out that it is possible to make user friendly and fit for purpose admission forms with K2.

    For me personally, this template came along at the right time to help me with a K2 project…

    tom_laan84 Friend

    <em>@Adam M 481785 wrote:</em><blockquote>We would appreciated if you could suggest any part that need to be improved or let me know which Joomla! template out there you think is the best one and why ?</blockquote>

    Seriously? Don’t get me wrong i’m glad someone is actually asking me this because i felt unheared. But i gave suggestions in this thread numerous times.

    It needs a dedicated directory component! that is all. Without it, the template is useless.

    tom_laan84 Friend

    <em>@Adam M 481785 wrote:</em><blockquote>We would appreciated if you could suggest any part that need to be improved or let me know which Joomla! template out there you think is the best one and why ?</blockquote>

    Seriously? Don’t get me wrong i’m glad someone is actually asking me this because i felt unheared. But i gave suggestions in this thread numerous times.

    It needs a dedicated directory component! that is all. Without it, the template is useless.

    tom_laan84 Friend

    <em>@Adam M 481785 wrote:</em><blockquote>We would appreciated if you could suggest any part that need to be improved or let me know which Joomla! template out there you think is the best one and why ?</blockquote>

    Seriously? Don’t get me wrong i’m glad someone is actually asking me this because i felt unheared. But i gave suggestions in this thread numerous times.

    It needs a dedicated directory component! that is all. Without it, the template is useless.

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 78 total)

This topic contains 78 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  tom_laan84 8 years, 9 months ago.

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