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  • harrye Friend

    I used templates from many providers and developed many templates by myself, even very complex stuff. What convinced me to add recently a Joomlart membership is the fact, that the templates are clean, straight, modern and very quickly to complete. Less is sometimes more, especially when you want to customize some things in the template. The usability of the Joomlart templates is for me the best in the market. A good website lives from the content not the design. Joomlart templates are supporting my content and don’t distract visitors with a too fancy design. Most successful sites in the world are following the Web 2.0 design trend. Joomlart is representing this for me in a best possible manner. Please don’t change this direction, I am very happy with your outstanding work and the clean and pragmatic design.

    bigrk Friend

    <em>@MiCCAS 29126 wrote:</em><blockquote>This is an issue we have often, where some users love a template and some hate it. We cannot accommodate every single user with one template, hence the reason why we try different things all the time.</blockquote>

    Hi MiCCAS, Once again we meet. There is nothing wrong with this template but it came out last April when we called it Teline. So, really JA hasn’t tried anything new here at all. They did a good job of creating a new Teline when it was called Quillaja but then again it was just another version of the same template that so many of us like. Nothing new or really different here just the same template again and again. Any news on an updated version of the JA News Module yet? It’s been over a 100 days now.

    bigrk Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 29201 wrote:</em><blockquote>You are not paying money for someone to design your website FOR you … you are paying for STARTING POINT DESIGNS with various features you can use to FURTHER CUSTOMIZE YOUR OWN UNIQUE WEBSITE.

    I’m sorry … but when I click on a site where I immediately recognize the starting template, and all that is changed is, perhaps, the logo name and menu items, I am immediately disinterested and move on. The very essence of web design is creativity and ingenuity. If everyone just used the same templates without any customization, what an incredibly boring experience the internet would be.</blockquote>

    What happened to content? Doesn’t that make a difference in two sites that may look similar? There are a lot of websites with a similar design out there (newspaper sites for one) but it’s the content that makes a diiference. You should try reading sometime to see if that might make a light go on that says “nice content.” Most web surfers really aren’t that interested with a site being a unique design so much as what they are really looking for is something interesting to read. Boring would be a really different looking site without any interesting content. If I put that in capital letters do you think you would understand it any better.

    anas Friend

    <em>@Hung Dinh 29004 wrote:</em><blockquote>I think the true value of the template club is the variation of template designs and styles. Those who do not like the simplicity have other 37 templates to choose. We all know that we can not sastify all 11658 members with only one template.</blockquote>

    I believe the true value of the template club is support , i like this tem- JA iris and i’m using it , but when i ask for help from you >>>>>! most of us has problem with ja new module , and Joo-Art should fix this problem before producing another Temp- you have realy nice temp but big (zero) support , I’m member of (GavickPro) and (RockTheme) and i could see the different , if you keep like this (good) luck i will never join you again or recommend you to any one , plus even the sites which recommended you i will tell them not to do so .

    Quarten Friend

    Sorry you feel like that.
    To me Iris is the answer to my prayers, so far: Simple, Clean.

    kagex Friend

    I agree with those that feel this template has value. More and more websites are moving from complicated designs to more reserved and simple designs. The reason is overall readability of the contents and the revisit possiblities. Over the years of building websites, nothing beats simplicity. period.

    I have never sign up for subscription based templates and joomlart is the 1st for me, because i see the efforts put in the design are very well worth it. With that kind of price and quality of work and fast support i see so far, i have never regretted paying for it.

    Working on a tight budget, anyone who wants to build websites themselves really need to pick up some php programming skills. I never had problems with joomlart templates, the guides are very well written and explained. Customization is part and parcel of building sites, no doubt about it. If you think joomlart is not doing a good job, why don’t you try hiring a freelancer or designer to customize your website, then tell me about the BUDGET they gave you.

    I’m saying all this from my own standpoint, hate to see threads like this. waste time waste bandwith. my 2 cents.

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 36 total)

This topic contains 36 replies, has 28 voices, and was last updated by  kagex 16 years, 7 months ago.

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