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  • chljubicic Friend

    <em>@yonie 28970 wrote:</em><blockquote>Is this really a club template?</blockquote>

    i agree with yonie and i would say that iris template couldnt pass as free templete and not club template.

    bluecafe Friend

    <em>@canada 29047 wrote:</em><blockquote>I don’t understand you guys. This is a great CONTENT oriented template. I joined joomlart few months ago because of ja_teline. If I were to join now, it would be this template. I don’t need bells and whistles and distracting graphics. Not because I am not a creative person, but because my targeted audience comes to the website because of the content, and not because how it looks. I don’t think people would like facebook more, for example, if it had all kinds of eye candies. For me, functionality and simplicity is more important than bright colors. I love this template.</blockquote>

    I am with canada here. ja_teline is my one time favorite too (although I joined for ja_zibal :)). Ja_Iris might look simple at the first sight but it gives you great opportunity to style it yourself and making it unique.

    I like to watch the more ‘styled’ templates, such as koniga or paritii but it’s more for watching … I have not really use for it on my site because they have their given design which is difficult to change (to something better .. :)). So you have the option to leave it as is which means not really an individual template or to modify it but in most times it won’t look very professional then because the original graphics are actually part of the whole.

    While I enjoy watching the various creative ideas I do appreciate a basic, simple template now and then that gives the opportunity to develop own creativity or even to leave it simple according to the motto “less is sometimes more”.

    There are so many templates that offer loads of scripts and graphics, and while the owner of the website is proud of all these bells and whistles the visitor of the site has long clicked away due to the long loading times and because they are sick of the graphic overload, especially if the site is actually intended to provide information. Adding an eye catcher to a simple template is much easier than grading a graphical overloaded template down.

    The only thing that I find it a bit annoying is if modules are added that do not work properly and no solution is provided. Once modules are added as part of the template you expect them to work otherwise it will naturally lead to disappointment even if the rest of the template is great.

    bigzee Friend

    <em>@Hung Dinh 29004 wrote:</em><blockquote>I think the true value of the template club is the variation of template designs and styles. Those who do not like the simplicity have other 37 templates to choose. We all know that we can not sastify all 11658 members with only one template.</blockquote>

    Don’t take me wrong, I do agree with you. It’s hard to satisfy 11000 customers, but since JA_PARIITI (almost 4 months ago) there was no any creativity on your templates.

    TomC Moderator

    Once again, people fail to grasp the fact that templates are STARTING POINTS for further customization of your unique site. Seems to me that all of the complaining here stems from those who simply do not want to put any work into creating a unique web experience – they simply want it all done FOR them (like welfare).

    Learn CSS … study the PHP … CUSTOMIZE THE TEMPLATE.

    If you don’t like JA Iris … don’t use it, simple as that.

    Salsabil Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 29119 wrote:</em><blockquote>Once again, people fail to grasp the fact that templates are STARTING POINTS for further customization of your unique site. Seems to me that all of the complaining here stems from those who simply do not want to put any work into creating a unique web experience – they simply want it all done FOR them (like welfare).

    Learn CSS … study the PHP … CUSTOMIZE THE TEMPLATE.

    If you don’t like JA Iris … don’t use it, simple as that.</blockquote>

    we pay also for design and new features etc… if we wanna costumize templates, we don`t need to purchase a membership. we would costumize free templates. i have learned php, css, sql etc., but i have not the time for costumization something for i have payed money. do you understand?

    i can understand Hung Dinh when he say that the club can`t satisfy all 11685 members and thatsway i will be patient and wait for the next template.

    Michael Casha Friend

    This is an issue we have often, where some users love a template and some hate it. We cannot accommodate every single user with one template, hence the reason why we try different things all the time.

    tonydel Friend

    And unfortunately if you look at the number of posts in the extension section and in template sections of problems that aren’t answered it seems the new extenstion aren’t even giving members usable new features.

    <em>@Salsabil 29125 wrote:</em><blockquote>we pay also for design and new features etc… if we wanna costumize templates, we don`t need to purchase a membership. we would costumize free templates. i have learned php, css, sql etc., but i have not the time for costumization something for i have payed money. do you understand?</blockquote>

    jules242 Friend

    Some of you guys are acting ridiculous, i’m sorry. It was explained that not every template can appeal to you, yet you simply don’t read what people post, and you continue to bash it.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@Salsabil 29125 wrote:</em><blockquote>we pay also for design and new features etc… if we wanna costumize templates, we don`t need to purchase a membership. we would costumize free templates. i have learned php, css, sql etc., but i have not the time for costumization something for i have payed money. do you understand?[/quote]

    You are not paying money for someone to design your website FOR you … you are paying for STARTING POINT DESIGNS with various features you can use to FURTHER CUSTOMIZE YOUR OWN UNIQUE WEBSITE.

    I’m sorry … but when I click on a site where I immediately recognize the starting template, and all that is changed is, perhaps, the logo name and menu items, I am immediately disinterested and move on. The very essence of web design is creativity and ingenuity. If everyone just used the same templates without any customization, what an incredibly boring experience the internet would be.

    yonie Friend

    <em>@Jules242 29157 wrote:</em><blockquote>Some of you guys are acting ridiculous, i’m sorry. It was explained that not every template can appeal to you, yet you simply don’t read what people post, and you continue to bash it.</blockquote>

    why not put this as official policy of joomlart (“not every template can appeal to you”) so people would know before considering joining the club.

    jules242 Friend

    Thats more of a common sense issue.

    nataliebrown Friend

    The last two templates have been creative. I think this template is just fine. It is simple, but I find this good for SEO friendly templates. It has it’s place in the JA repertoire of templates. You can’t deliver the same kind of template every month… the beauty is the fact that they are varied!

    bluecafe Friend

    There are two templates a month. Why not making it a rule that one is a more clean and factual template that can be used for modifications, shop- and business sites and the other a more a more graphic styled template for other purposes? This way the expectations can be channeled not to expect a paritii every two weeks and everybody will be pleased by knowing that there are two different kind of templates each month.

    perdu Friend

    I would rather it be one template a month where the bugs are fixed so that it actually works as it says on the box than 2 templates a month and no bug fixes and sod all support.

    bluecafe Friend

    <em>@perdu 29661 wrote:</em><blockquote>I would rather it be one template a month where the bugs are fixed so that it actually works as it says on the box than 2 templates a month and no bug fixes and sod all support.</blockquote>

    I know what you mean … I wish they wouldn’t throw in modules that do not work properly. If I think of all the time I have wasted hoping to find a solution :cool:. Anyway, in most times it is quicker to find a similar module from the open source scene that does the same (and works!) and just needs to be a bit adjusted to the template.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 36 total)

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