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  • deveshi Friend

    Hi there,

    I am trying to optimize my website as it currently sitting at 2.4mb with 234 requests. This means it is taking on average >8 seconds to load which is losing me a lot of traffic.

    One of the thing I have noticed that is taking up a large number of these requests is the JA Content Popup that sits in position 1. Is it possible to reduce the number of items this module pulls?

    I am aware that you can change the number of displaying items via the options menu on the module but this changes how many items are displayed per slide. However, it appears that a request is still submitted for each item that is displayed on each slide. I would like to know if it is possible to limit the total number of items that this module can pull and this reduce the total number of requests the page has to submit whilst loading.

    If there is not a simple option in the menu to do this is it possible to do some other way such as in the CSS?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Please try to check the content displayed in JA Content Popup module whether it refers to any external source or not. Meanwhile, having un-important articles/module disabled for better performance.

    Also have a look at this TIP, it might help 🙂

    deveshi Friend

    Hey Saguaros,

    Thanks for the reply.

    The sources are all internal it’s simply a case that there is an unnecessary amount of images being loaded that is slowing down the site. I am unable to disable these articles as they make up static content throughout the website. My only option is to reduce the displayed items of the module or stop using this module.

    I have been using pingdom to speed test my site.

    Saguaros Moderator

    You should enable the css optimization feature of T3. That will reduce the number of css files, http requests in your site.

    And you can consider our Amazon S3 component which allows using CDN (cloudfront) and also has option to update cache folder with cron job which can be set to lower limit to have regular update of cache on cloud. Running without cache on is bound to make the site slower. However, the main reason for slow site would still relate to the number of items it has to fetch (css , js, images, external scripts / social stuff).

    deveshi Friend

    Hi Saguaros,

    Thanks a lot for the info. This has been very helpful.

    The Amazon S3 component looks awesome and I think it will help my website out a lot. I do have a minor query though…

    As I understand it the Amazon S3 service is pay as you go so you therefore pay every time the page is loaded. If this is indeed the case may I ask what would happen if you were to suffer a DDos attack? I can imagine that being quite expensive if there is no protection and I cant find anything on this.

    deveshi Friend

    I have been reading more into this and this is the best info I have found:

    If anyone has anymore info they could add that would be useful.


    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend

    @ deveshi,

    Regarding your question, I think that you should directly contact with Amazon Web Services’s Support center, they can give you useful advise about reasonable expense and anti attack measures.

    deveshi Friend

    In the process of doing this.

    Would you like me to share the conclusions here as Joomlart are offering services that use AWS?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Yes, please share your findings here, it would be helpful for community.

    deveshi Friend

    Hi there,

    I found this interesting post about how google docs can be used to DDOS AWS. One thing to note is that Amazon refunded the costs on this instance.

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  deveshi 10 years, 3 months ago.

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