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  • Anonymous Moderator

    hi bmtoth,

    I have login to your site but the account was not correct.

    Please send your admin account, ftp account via PM, i can check this issue to help you.

    mj1256 Friend

    Its a conflict between module and plugins using javascript, js files or mootools. Some of the modules and plugins have very poorly written files and I have found that is the issue. or at least, a factor in it. This is why JA cannot fix it. They can disable a mod or plugin, or disable a js/mootools. file, but they aren’t going to rewrite every mod/plugin to get the error to go away.

    Anonymous Moderator

    <em>@bmtoth 96334 wrote:</em><blockquote>I love the template but I’m getting the following error/problem in Internet Explorer. I just completed a clean quick start upload of the template/joomla and so I have not edited any code at all.

    When I load my page a notification box pops up and says:
    Internet Explorer Cannot Open The Internet Site
    Operation Aborted

    Also, there seems to be the following javascript error:
    Line: 6
    Char: 1913
    Eror: ‘J.parentNode’ is null or not an object
    Code: 0

    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    P.S. – it seems to work fine in FireFox</blockquote>

    You don’t change css file.
    Please open index.php file in templates/ja_zinc folder, at about line 304, find following script:

    [PHP]<script type=”text/javascript”>
    slideshowOnWalk ();

    and change to:

    [PHP]<script type=”text/javascript”>
    slideshowOnWalk ();

    mj1256 Friend

    see it was a java script issue, let me know if this solution worked so i can try it too.

    All this is doing is disabling scripts just like I said.

    bmtoth Friend

    Awesome! That seemed to do it!

    Thanks for all your help! 😀

    datropics Friend

    JA Developer;96800You don’t change css file.
    Please open index.php file in templates/ja_zinc folder, at about line 304, find following script:

    [php]<script type=”text/javascript”>
    slideshowOnWalk ();
    </script>[/php]and change to:

    [php]<script type=”text/javascript”>
    slideshowOnWalk ();

    I apologise for opening this up again, but I am using the JA Teline II template and it isn’t working for me – I’m getting the same j.parentNode error. I tried find this code to apply this fix but could not. The one place that I found j.parentNode was in swfobject.js in the highslide folder under the ja_telini_ii subfolder under templates.

    I replaced:
    if (J.parentNode) J.parentNode.removeChild(J); E()

    if (J.parentNode) {alert(‘hi’);J.parentNode.removeChild(J);}E()

    Still no joy

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi datropics,

    I think it is other problem.
    Please send me your admin account, ftp account via PM so that i can help you to fix this issue.

    datropics Friend

    Hi JA Developer,

    After a little tinkering I realised that it was a conflict with another browser – I have it working now and it looks great with all the different components and modules I have with it. Now only if I can get the site to load faster! 🙂 ~ any tips?

Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)

This topic contains 23 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  datropics 15 years, 5 months ago.

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