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  • Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    In JA Mono the masthead in the single article uses a special feature to show article title in the masthead and use the same image that use inside the article + shows date and category , that u can see in the demo site on page index.php/blog/31-20-money-quotes-that-will-inspire-you
    Because In child article pages , before masthead use the same image used in parent menu item .
    if the image is not present in the article then it will load a static image that is defined in the article.php file
    in the template templatesja_monohtmlcom_contentarticle
    In this code

    if ($imagesBg=='') {
        $imagesBg = JURI::base(true) .'/images/joomlart/hero/bg-1.jpg';

    You can change the path of image with your image .

    upweb Friend

    I Hi,

    thank you for your answer.

    I noticed that the masthead will use the article defined as "Full Article Image" in "Images and Links" tab of the article.

    The problem is that this way you will get the same image both in the article and in the masthead and this is something we want to avoid, even because in the standard resolution design it won’t appear that good (same image one after the other).

    At the masthead module does not work for Single Articles and our website is mainly based on this (and not for the Blog, but for the main pages), is there any way that we can achieve our requirement (image ONLY in the masthead and not in the article) in other ways?
    Please consider each page should have its own image.

    thank you

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Hi if you do not want to use these feature u can renamed the article folder with
    to disable it Go to templatesja_monohtmlcom_contentarticle_old
    save and check now it will use default joomla article layout .
    Hope it helps .

    upweb Friend

    Thanks Pankaj… your proposal works.

    Problem: at the next update such change will be lost?

    thank you

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    If its override on update , you only need to rename the folder πŸ™‚

    jingato Friend

    I ran into this issue too. It’s unfortunate because that limits us to either not using the custom article at all (your suggestion) or forcing an image in our article. In my case I don’t want an image in my article at all so there is no way to set the image to use for the Masthead. It would be nice if instead of defaulting to a hard coded image it would look up the image to use from the Masthead settings when none was found in the article. It would also be nice to have the option to override the title and description as well

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Hi @jingato
    You can renamed the folder as suggested above if you want to use default setting of masthead , in this case you have all default options of masthead . If you know php custom work you can check default.php file that is an override in com-content/article/ folder , you can change setting of image/description with your own codes.

    Harikalar Kutusu Friend

    I just stumbled upon this…

    I think it is not a good practice to put something like that into the code. At least you could put something like /images/acm/default.jpg so that one could just replace the image file. Without "JoomlArt" and "hero"…

    Harikalar Kutusu Friend


    If we go ahead and change original template code, here is a solution:

    In templates/ja_mono/html/com_content/article/default.php, around line 71, comment out the PHP echo statement like this:

        <?php   if ($params->get('access-view')): ?>
            <?php #echo JLayoutHelper::render('joomla.content.fulltext_image', array('item' => $this->item, 'params' => $params)); ?>

    This will prevent the rendering of the full article image. It will be shown on the left (very large screens), or top (smaller screens)…

    DISCLAIMER: Not fully tested yet…

    I Hi,
    I noticed that the masthead will use the article defined as "Full Article Image" in "Images and Links" tab of the article.

    The problem is that this way you will get the same image both in the article and in the masthead and this is something we want to avoid, even because in the standard resolution design it won’t appear that good (same image one after the other).

    upweb Friend

    Thank you!

    I noticed there is an update for the masthead: is it including your suggestion?

    I will open another thread for its update current issue.


    upweb Friend

    No, I tried it by downloading the single component (update does not work) and the feature has not been implemented.
    Also – Transparency for the background color is still not supported.

    upweb Friend

    We are still smashing our head on this wall, trying to understand how we could design our website using this masthead properly, between blog and normal website pages (made up of articles). And this because the Design is not coherent.

    I am SORRY, but I cannot consider this question solved.

    The reason is very simple:

    The creators themselves thought masthead would have worked in a specific way, that is being able to associate images also to single articles. It is obvious because in your demo the article TYPOGRAPHY is in the list of the masthead and has associated an image that DOES NOT appear in the masthead itself.

    This is the demonstration that the masthead does NOT work as expected and the suggestions proposed here are just workarounds that are not even valid for your DEMO website.

    Once the Typography article in your demo will get the proper image on the masthead this issue will be able to be considered SOLVED. And then we will be able to properly decide a design for the website.

    I am sorry but we are wasting lot of time to get the best out of the design and this is NOT possible because there are issues at the root level. It’s just like a short blanket: you can pull on a side or the other, but there’s always an issue.

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    its a special feature that merge all option in the masthead . I am consulting it with our dev team for you on this issue for the checking the possibility to get the all article feature with masthead module configuration in single article .
    I can not assure yo u for this as i said earlier the article tools are merged with masthead .
    Stay tuned .

    upweb Friend


    it seems that with the new template 1.0.2 this WORKS.

    Could you please confirm it? It would make sense to post some ALERT as we got many changes on the website after upgrading.

    Happy you implemented this.
    Is there any RELEASE LOG that we can follow when there is a template update?


    darengr Friend

    @upweb, could you please explain what the solution is (or the result in your page), in order to avoid the double showing of the same Full Article Image, from Images and Links tab? Having read all of the above many times, I am very confused πŸ˜‰ thanks

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This topic contains 21 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Pankaj Sharma 8 years, 3 months ago.

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