Viewing 9 posts - 16 through 24 (of 24 total)
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  • crisu Friend

    I was blind, the button parameters I have shown at this day. The navigation is working, but the entries in the menu for joomshopping and the kunena forum doesn´t go.

    I have build the entries in the menu once again, but no joomshopping and no kunena forum appears.

    The parameters of K2 I have checked, but i can´t find any constellation to solve the problem.

    swissa Friend

    Hoi crisu,

    I have a question. Did you install the quickstart or just the template?

    crisu Friend

    Hi swissa,

    I don`t know – the installation has made my webhoster for me, but this hoster is a profi for Joomla!

    swissa Friend

    <em>@crisu 317714 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi swissa,

    I don`t know – the installation has made my webhoster for me, but this hoster is a profi for Joomla!</blockquote>

    Alles Klar!

    The reason I ask is to make sure that you have JoomShopping and Kuena installed!!

    1. Screen-Shot-2012-05-04-at-22.55.03
    crisu Friend

    Before I have installed K2 kunena and joomshopping are going well…

    swissa Friend

    <em>@crisu 317718 wrote:</em><blockquote>Before I have installed K2 kunena and joomshopping are going well…</blockquote>

    so in zwischen zyt was isch passiert? Did it all work? I see one fehlermeldung on Joomshopping page and wonder why it is calling K2 css not JShopping?

    <blockquote>Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)

    Is the menü for JoomShopping correct? Does it call JS?

    1. Screen-Shot-2012-05-04-at-23.11.22
    crisu Friend

    In this time – shop and forum are going well, I have made much more tests to build up in the forum the tabs for suche and aktuell.

    And than I´have loaded K2 in my system: the main navigation doesn´t work. About the parameters of K2, since the navigation of intern links is going on, but links to other komponents (kunena forum – joomshopping) didn´t go.

    In the template, there is the K2 css under css, but this file is empty.

    Mann – what soll the shit – download a few files and nichts geht well…

    +++ I habe the Lösung +++ The thread can be closed…

    Under “Erweiterungen” – Optimize CSS must be the entry “Linked files” and under optimize folder is the correct entry “Join & minify”.

    swissa – nach 2 Erdinger hatte ich endlich die Lösung….

    swissa Friend

    <em>@crisu 317843 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    swissa – nach 2 Erdinger hatte ich endlich die Lösung….</blockquote>

    Es hilft immer oder?!! 😀


    (Sorry, ich war unterwegs den ganzen tag).

    crisu Friend

    Erdinger hoch 5 – bis zum nächsten Problem.

    Das sind immer die Kleinigkeiten, die einem den Nerv und die Zeit rauben…

    Ich bin schon seit über 20 Jahren in der IT Branche tätig, aber die Frage, warum einfach und immer wieder schwer, kann ich nicht beantworten.

    Naja das Ding läuft jetzt…

    swissa – ich wünsch Dir was…

Viewing 9 posts - 16 through 24 (of 24 total)

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