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  • crisu Friend

    I have downloaded all modules of K2 and imported in the template. Since this time the megamenu on the top doesn´t works.

    No hover effect is shown, no submenu is going and the link to the forum or shop doesn´t works.

    You can see this under – Depression has a submenu – in the code all subentries are shown.

    The css of the megamenu is original. All functions are checked.

    Can It be that this problem is the result of all K2 modules. These modules have the entry disabled.

    I hope, that someone of you have the solution.

    Best regards

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Crisu
    K2 and T3 have conflict when K2 setting is set to load jQuery remotely, please change to ‘Load Local’
    If the error persists even after change this setting in K2, let me know and send me admin, ftp account. I shall debug and help.

    crisu Friend

    Hi Hung Phung,

    where can I change load jQuery remotely in load local.

    Thanks for your information

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Crisu
    It in K2 setting ( Back end => K2 components => Parameters => Layout & Views tab ) 😀

    crisu Friend

    Hi Hung Phung,

    under components -> K2 there is no entry Parameters.

    steinar Friend

    <em>@crisu 316953 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    under components -> K2 there is no entry Parameters.</blockquote>

    Select any of the elements under K2 (items, categories, tags, users etc); they have all the parameters option.

    crisu Friend

    In my system there are only one item (K2 -> Categories) with “Inherits parameters from” and this isn`t linked to a submenu.

    I have downloaded from joomlaworks the K2 once again, but not changes in the system.

    steinar Friend

    <em>@crisu 317003 wrote:</em><blockquote>only one item (K2 -> Categories) with “Inherits parameters from” </blockquote>

    That sounds odd. You are using Joomla! 2.5.x, aren‘t you? This is how my setup looks. Yours shouldn‘t be very different:

    1. k2_elements
    crisu Friend

    Yes, I`m using Joomla! 2.5.x and under components K2 my submenu is the same as yours…

    steinar Friend

    Ok crisu, then select any of the submenus. The parameters button is at the upper right, close to the wastebasket:

    1. k2parameters
    crisu Friend

    Hi steinar – see my post before – there isn´t a button for the parameters – only on categories, but this item is unlinked…

    steinar Friend

    <em>@Hung Phung 316371 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    K2 and T3 have conflict when K2 setting is set to load jQuery remotely, please change to ‘Load Local’ </blockquote>

    Thank you Hung Phung, this solved a different problem for me in Teline IV, where the Previous and Next buttons in the JA News Featured module didn‘t respond. This seems to be ok after the jQuery shift to load local


    steinar Friend

    <em>@crisu 317014 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi steinar – see my post before – there isn´t a button for the parameters – only on categories, but this item is unlinked…</blockquote>

    Hm, I am afraid I will have to throw in the towel on this one. I would have asked you to make sure you have the k2 plugin enabled, but even when I disable it, the parameters button stays. Do you perhaps have any “foreign” plugins, modules or components? Then try to disable them.

    With that I wish you good luck and good night, crisu. I am sure someone else will step in with a clever solution!


    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Crisu
    If you can not see Parameters button on K2 component as image which Steinar attached. Please send admin account, ftp account of your site to me via private message. :D. I shall have a look and help you config it 🙂
    <em>@crisu 317014 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi steinar – see my post before – there isn´t a button for the parameters – only on categories, but this item is unlinked…</blockquote>

    HeR0 Friend

    Thank Steinar 🙂
    <em>@steinar 317011 wrote:</em><blockquote>Ok crisu, then select any of the submenus. The parameters button is at the upper right, close to the wastebasket:


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 24 total)

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