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  • Luna Garden Moderator


    The SQL statement you posted is to remove all {jathumbnail off} tag in introtext and fulltext of all articles, so if you upgrade Joomla this tag won’t appear.

    But I have tried above statement on Joomla 3.5.1, It still works. Before processing, remember to take backup of your site first.

    UPDATE j03534_content SET introtext = replace( introtext , '{jathumbnail off}', '' ) ;

    carmila Friend

    I have checked again in the site and I realized that all the articles that have the tag {JATHUMBNAIL OFF} have the tag in capital letter and all the articles where do not appear the tag had it writing in lowercase letter.
    And the code Saguaros helped me to put was in lowercase letter. May be we have to do the same but searchin the articles that have this tag in capital letter.
    UPDATE j25_content SET introtext = replace( introtext , ‘{jathumbnail off}’, ‘ ‘ ) ;# 649 filas afectadas.
    UPDATE j25_content SET fulltext = replace( fulltext , ‘{jathumbnail off}’, ‘ ‘ ) ;# 1208 filas afectadas.

    For that I think we have to check how many rows are affected and write in the data base it.
    But I don’t know how, in this Saguaros helped me.
    Hope you can too.
    Best regards

    carmila Friend

    Thanks for answering me. I wrote another thing just at the same moment you were answering me the first mail. so please read it and may be can help me to solved
    Best regards

    Luna Garden Moderator


    Then just change the code to:

    UPDATE j25_content SET introtext = replace( introtext , '{JATHUMBNAIL OFF}', '' ) ;
    UPDATE j25_content SET fulltext = replace( fulltext , '{JATHUMBNAIL OFF}', '' ) ;

    Remember to backup your site before processing.

    carmila Friend

    Thanks for answering me , but as I’m not an expert can you tell me where do I put this code?.
    Sorry but the other time was Saguaros who do it for me I think.
    But if you give me more instructions may be I can do it.
    And as I have some articles with the code written in lower case and these ones in capital letters, if I put this code what will happen with the ones in lower case?
    Best regards

    Luna Garden Moderator

    Hi Carmen,

    You have to go to PHPmyadmin, go to database of your site, and paste this code to SQL statement then run it. I thought that you have done this before, not Saguaros.

    If it’s ok, please post Cpanel, URL and admin account of your site here in Private reply, I’ll do this for you. Remember to take backup of your site before sending to me.

    carmila Friend

    Thanks for your answer.
    I think I have to go to this data base delcieloenfin j25_content, and there where do I have to put it?, at the end?? do I have to add only? and the other code that I or Sagaros did must I leave it? I think yes because of the articles in lower case.
    As I know you are going to your happy hours , I’ll do the back up on Sunday and then I sent you the user just in case you can do it for me. As you can see I’m not an expert and I’m afraid of make a mess.
    The server where I have this site allows me to give you the user and password.
    Best regards

    Luna Garden Moderator


    Just go to phpmyadmin, then you go to your database, backup your site then do as my capture here:

    If you not quite sure, just as previous post, post Cpanel, URL and admin account of your site here in Private reply, I’ll do this for you.

    carmila Friend

    Can I send you the user and password so you made the fix for me?
    Because I do not know where do I have to put it. If say me yes I send you.
    I’ve just made the backup
    Best regards.


    carmila Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Luna Garden Moderator


    You’re missing to send me the URL of Cpanel, only the credential.

    carmila Friend

    Hi Luna
    I just saw that you answered 2 hours ago but I can’t see the answer ans also read that says PROBLEM in read
    Can you tell me whats’s going on?
    Best regards

    carmila Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    carmila Friend

    Any New?
    Best regard

    Luna Garden Moderator


    All the content in your site was updated. Please check and confirm.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)

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