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  • Hung Dinh Friend

    JA VMProducts Module functionality allows you to pick one or more products from Virtuemart categories and displays them nicely as a slider. So make sure that Virtuemart component is installed and configured for categories.
    How to install Virtuemart.

    Step 1: Installation

    You follow simple steps below:

    1. Install the module via Joomla Installer
    Then, the module is instantly available in your front-end. If you are new to this stuff, follow detailed guideline below:
    —-How to install a module

    2. Enable the module

    Step 2: Configuration
    From the back-end of your Joomla site (administration) select Extensions >> Module Manager, then click on module title Systemto enter configuration panel:

    1. Detail Setting

    Parameters Explanation:

    • Title : The title of module
    • Show title : To show or hide the title of module
    • Position : You must assign position for module
    • Published : To Published or Unpublished your module

    2. Menu Assignment

    3. Basic Options

    Parameters Explanation:

    • Virtuemart Categories : Select the Virtuemart Categories to choose the products from
    • Maximum items : Maximum items for each categories
    • Display : Select the type of products you would like to display. There are 4 types of produts list: Featured Products, Latest Products, Random Products, and Best Sales.
    • Items display : Number item display on each slide
    • Items height : Define the height of item (ex : 480)
    • Show Product Price? : Yes / No show Product price
    • Show Add-To-Cart Link? : Yes / No show Add-To-Cart link
    • Show Rating? : Yes / No show Add-To-Cart rating
    • Autoplay : Yes / No autoplay slide
    • Circular : Determines whether the product slider should be circular
    • Show Navigation :Whether to display the navigation control button

    4. Advanced Options

    Parameters Explanation:

    • Module Class Suffix : A suffix to be applied to the Css class of the module (table.moduletable). This allows individual module styling
    • Caching : Select whether to cache the content of this module

    Now you can see how it looks in the front end

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Hung Dinh 11 years, 2 months ago.

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