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  • mehrdad noori Friend

    i attach my plugin configure

    1. e2
    2. e1
    OAM Friend

    I`m having problems too! It seens Iconosquare changed the way it works, breaking the plugin.

    Luna Garden Moderator


    On June 1st 2016, Instagram lanched new API restrictions, which limit users to accessing only their own content through the Instagram API by forcing each app into a sandbox. To get access to public content, your app must be manually approved by Instagram.

    With the new rules, having Instagram tag feeds of public content isn’t an acceptable.

    I have delivered this issue to our developer, we’ll try to find out the solution for this case.

    mehrdad noori Friend

    this is very important for me. i bought this plugin just for import photo from instagram but since i bought it, i can not use this 🙁

    i am waiting to get new version …

    Luna Garden Moderator

    We’ll try to make JA Social Feed update to compatible with new API of Instagram, it might be released on next week.

    We’re really appreciate for your patience.

    slickaxe Friend

    Please get back to us soon! Just bought the plugin for instagram and it does not seem te work…. 🙁


    Luna Garden Moderator

    We’re trying to make it done, stay tune for our blog for new updates.

    slickaxe Friend

    Still no update right? How can we get money back?

    I will buy it again once the update is available….


    Luna Garden Moderator


    We have fixed Instagram for case username, not for Tag or Popular item.
    If you only use JA Social Feed to fetch Post from a specific account, you can try this package I attached here.

    mehrdad noori Friend

    thank you. problem is fixed

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

This topic contains 10 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  mehrdad noori 7 years, 11 months ago.

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