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  • petrahk Friend

    I have just installed JA RASITE with Joomla 2.5 and Ja Slideshow 2.5.0.
    I have problem with description when using “from image folder” source.
    I use


    There is no description on Slideshow, just images.
    Can you help me, please?
    P.S. I am posting this question again, because I received no advice in another part of forum. :((

    pavit Moderator



    This is copied and pasted from your module description configuration ? because you have a syntax error inside </h30

    petrahk Friend

    I am using now

    {{h3 style=”color:red”}}BLA{{/h3}}


    I see description under the pic (on black background), but there is no “h3” title.
    I see NO desription on right side (no thumbnail, no desc).

    The previous

    Had the same problem. NO description on right part of slideshow, no h3 title.

    Thank you!

    petrahk Friend

    <em>@pavit 303501 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi

    This is copied and pasted from your module description configuration ? because you have a syntax error inside </h30</blockquote>

    I have just sent you PM with access to my site. Thank you!

    pavit Moderator

    Perhaps there is another reason that is causing this behaviour of your module

    If you can PM me your back end super user account, i will try to investigate for this reason and give you the solution.


    PM received thanks

    manuelito1083 Friend


    I have the same problem with JA Slideshow 2.5.1 – No description shown and impossible to change anything in the module as it doesn’t save my changes.
    Could you help please??
    Thank you.

    pavit Moderator


    Please try this solution provided for your issue

    I haven’t access to your files to check

    I think that this can solve.


    petrahk Friend

    <em>@pavit 303520 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi

    Please try this solution provided for your issue

    I haven’t access to your files to check

    I think that this can solve.

    Thanks, but the solution does not work, because this
    [PHP]<script type=”text/javascript”>
    window.addEvent(‘load’, function(){
    new JASlideshow2(‘ja-slide-<?php echo $module->id;?>’, {
    startItem: <?php echo $startItem; ?>,
    showItem: <?php echo $showItem; ?>,
    itemWidth: <?php echo $navWidth; ?>,
    itemHeight: <?php echo $navHeight; ?>,
    mainWidth: <?php echo $mainWidth; ?>,
    mainHeight: <?php echo $mainHeight; ?>,
    maskWidth: <?php echo $maskWidth; ?>,
    maskHeigth:<?php echo $maskHeigth; ?>,
    duration: <?php echo $duration; ?>,
    transition: <?php echo $effect; ?>,
    animation: ‘<?php echo $animation; ?>’,
    animationRepeat: ‘<?php echo $animationRepeat; ?>’,
    thumbOpacity:<?php echo $thumbOpacity; ?>,
    maskOpacity: <?php echo $descOpacity; ?>,
    buttonOpacity: <?php echo $overlapOpacity; ?>,
    showDesc: ‘<?php echo $showDescription; ?>’,
    descMode: ‘<?php echo $showdescwhen; ?>’,
    readmoretext: ‘<?php echo $readmoretext; ?>’,
    overlap: <?php echo $container; ?>,
    navigation:'<?php echo $navigation; ?>’,
    urls:[‘<?php echo implode(”,”, $urls); ?>’],
    targets:[‘<?php echo implode(”,”, $targets); ?>’],
    autoPlay: <?php echo $autoplay; ?>,
    interval: <?php echo $interval; ?>,
    maskAlignment:'<?php echo $maskAlignment; ?>’,
    maskerTransStyle:'<?php echo $params->get(‘masker-transition-style’, ‘opacity’); ?>’,
    maskerTrans:<?php echo $params->get(‘marker-transition’, ‘Fx.Transitions.linear’); ?>,
    navePos:'<?php echo $navAlignment; ?>’

    </script> [/PHP]

    does not exist in modules/mod_jaslideshow2/mod_jaslideshow2.php
    Maybe because the file has name mod_jaslideshow.php and is different… :((

    petrahk Friend

    I see in modules/mod_jaslideshow/mod_ jaslideshow.php this:
    [PHP]<script type=”text/javascript”>
    var Ja_direction = ”;
    var cookie_path = ‘/’;
    var cur_template_name = ‘<?php echo $template_name; ?>’;
    var Ja_maskAlignment_<?php echo $module->id; ?> = ‘<?php echo $maskAlignment; ?>’;
    window.addEvent(‘domready’, function(){
    if(typeof(tmpl_name) ==’undefined’)
    cookie_path = “<?php echo $template_name.”_direction”; ?>”;
    cookie_path = tmpl_name+”_direction”;
    Ja_direction =;
    if( Ja_direction == ” || Ja_direction == null)
    Ja_direction = ‘<?php echo $direction; ?>’;
    var style_l_value = ‘auto’;
    if(cur_template_name == ‘ja_norite’)
    style_l_value = ‘0’;

    if(Ja_direction == ‘rtl’)
    $(‘ja-slide-<?php echo $module->id;?>’).getElement(“.ja-slide-main”).setStyle(‘left’,style_l_value);
    $(‘ja-slide-<?php echo $module->id;?>’).getElement(“.ja-slide-main”).setStyle(‘right’,’auto’);
    if(Ja_maskAlignment_<?php echo $module->id; ?> == ‘right’)
    Ja_maskAlignment_<?php echo $module->id; ?> = ‘left’;
    else if(Ja_maskAlignment_<?php echo $module->id; ?> == ‘left’)
    Ja_maskAlignment_<?php echo $module->id; ?> = ‘right’;

    new JASlideshow2(‘ja-slide-<?php echo $module->id;?>’, {
    startItem: <?php echo $startItem; ?>,
    showItem: <?php echo $showItem; ?>,
    itemWidth: <?php echo $navWidth+$thumbSpaces[0]; ?>,
    itemHeight: <?php echo $navHeight+$thumbSpaces[1]; ?>,
    mainWidth: <?php echo $mainWidth; ?>,
    mainHeight: <?php echo $mainHeight; ?>,
    maskWidth: <?php echo $maskWidth; ?>,
    maskHeigth:<?php echo $maskHeigth; ?>,
    duration: <?php echo $duration; ?>,
    transition: <?php echo $effect; ?>,
    animation: ‘<?php echo $animation; ?>’,
    animationRepeat: ‘<?php echo $animationRepeat; ?>’,
    thumbOpacity:<?php echo $thumbOpacity; ?>,
    maskOpacity: <?php echo $descOpacity; ?>,
    buttonOpacity: <?php echo $overlapOpacity; ?>,
    showDesc: ‘<?php echo $showDescription; ?>’,
    descMode: ‘<?php echo $showdescwhen; ?>’,
    readmoretext: ‘<?php echo $readmoretext; ?>’,
    overlayOpacity: <?php echo $container; ?>,
    navigation:'<?php echo $navigation; ?>’,
    urls:[‘<?php echo implode(”,”, $urls); ?>’],
    targets:[‘<?php echo implode(”,”, $targets); ?>’],
    autoPlay: <?php echo $autoplay; ?>,
    interval: <?php echo $interval; ?>,
    maskAlignment: Ja_maskAlignment_<?php echo $module->id; ?>,
    languageDirection:( typeof Ja_direction == ‘string’) ? Ja_direction : ”,
    maskerTransStyle:'<?php echo $tmpParams->get(‘masker-transition-style’, ‘opacity’); ?>’,
    maskerTrans:<?php echo $tmpParams->get(‘marker-transition’, ‘Fx.Transitions.linear’); ?>,
    navePos:'<?php echo $navAlignment; ?>’

    petrahk Friend

    So – any advice????
    I must have it ready for my client… :((

    pavit Moderator


    Please give me some time to install all on my localhost and make the changes suggested for that files

    I will reply here with the correct file names for Ja_Slideshow 2 ver. 2.5.1


    petrahk Friend

    <em>@pavit 303553 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi

    Please give me some time to install all on my localhost and make the changes suggested for that files

    I will reply here with the correct file names for Ja_Slideshow 2 ver. 2.5.1

    Ok, many thanx for your help!

    pavit Moderator


    Seems that the solution provided is not working for this version of the slideshow

    I will open an internal ticket for Joomlart developers so they can check better what is wrong

    While you are waiting for the solution I can suggest a workaround, you can create a new category with articles and change the source from articles in the module settings.

    This is the code for the articles

    <img src="images/stories/demo/slideshow/sl-01.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample Image" title="Sample Image" />
    <p>Quis lacinia tempus est pellentesque Maecenas dictum odio tristique Sed Aenean. Eu eros et urna</p>

    I know this is only a temp solution but it works fine


    petrahk Friend

    <em>@pavit 303566 wrote:</em><blockquote>Well

    Seems that the solution provided is not working for this version of the slideshow

    I will open an internal ticket for Joomlart developers so they can check better what is wrong

    While you are waiting for the solution I can suggest a workaround, you can create a new category with articles and change the source from articles in the module settings.

    This is the code for the articles

    <img src="images/stories/demo/slideshow/sl-01.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample Image" title="Sample Image" />
    <p>Quis lacinia tempus est pellentesque Maecenas dictum odio tristique Sed Aenean. Eu eros et urna</p>

    I know this is only a temp solution but it works fine

    Thank you, I hope that developers will find solution soon.
    The solution with “articles source” is not ok for me.
    I do not like the way how the thumbnail looks like in article etc.
    I am awaiting solution from developers.
    Thank you.

    pavit Moderator

    Hi petrahk

    Unfortunately i must answer that on this template the Ja_Slideshow module can works only taking it’s content from articles and not from images folder.

    So i Apologize for this inconvenience on your website, but at the moment this is the only way to have the module working on Ja_Rasite template.


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