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  • Hung Dinh Friend

    JA Rutile – Userguide for Joomla! 1.0.x

    • For users who start your Joomla! site at the beginning, I recommend you using QuickStart package of JA Rutile, named as For instruction how to use JoomlArt quickstart package, please check the QuickStart guide
    • For users who new to Joomla!, there are many useful documents available at about Joomla! and how to use, please spend some time to check them out.
    • Here is some other guides that may useful for you:

    • For users that already have a site with contents and other extensions installed, please follow my instruction below to understand how JA Rutile works:


    1.1 Template Installation

    After downloading JA Rutile package and extract it, you will find template package named:

    Proceed installation of JA Rutile as other normal Joomla! templates. If you don’t know how to do installation or set a template as default, please check the How to install Joomla! template guide.

    After installing and setting JA Rutile as default template, your site should look like this:

    To see position located in site, in Navigation toolbar input string “?tp=1” at the end of site link

    1.2 Template Configuration

    To configure JA Rutile template, check How to configure Joomla! template guide!

    You can change all JA Rutile parameters as you wish.

    1. Logo type: Logo display in site, has two type: Image and Text
    2. Logo text: text displayed in logo if you choose Logo type is Text.
    3. Slogan: Slogan displays below logo
    4. Font size : Increase/Decrease font size (from 1 to 6).
    5. Template Width: type of template screen (Wide/Narrow screen)
    6. Color Variation: 4 color themes (Default, Blue, Green and Orange)
    7. Show Font tools: Show/Hide font tools
    8. Menu Type: type of menu displayed in site (Mainmenu/Topmenu…..)
    9. Menu Module: include Disable/Split/Css/Moo/Dropline menu.

    JA Rutile module positions are available here You just need to configure your modules to be loaded on those positions to match JA Rutile style.

    If you don’t know how to create module position in Joomla!, please follow this guide


    When extracting JA Rutile package, you will see the folder named Extension with all extensions built in the JA Rutile, including JA News FrontPage, JA News, JA Bulletin modules. That means when you install via template installer, you need to install JA News FrontPage, JA News, JA Bulletin modules separately, then configure their positions as instructed in Template configuration section.

    You check How to install Joomla! module guide for installation.

    Extensions built in JA Rutile comprise:

    Note: [xx] stands for module position

    • [ja-news] JA News module
    • [ja-news] JA News FrontPage module
    • [user1, user2] JA Bulletin module

    And extension details as follow:

    2.1. JA News Frontpage module(
    [position: ja-news]

    The purpose is rearrange frontpage contents (article choose to display on frontpage) of Joomla into Headline layouts like news portal. You can choose among 2 options layout: Default_fp and Headline_fp.

    On demo, it looks like:

    In Admin panel, please go to Modules >> Site Modules and click on module name (mod_newsfp) to go to configuration page.

    Here is the setting of JA News Front Page on demo:

    Parameters Explanation:

    • Module Class suffix: A suffix to be applied to the css class of the module (table.moduletable), this allow individual module styling
    • Hidden classes: Classes that have property such display: none. Separated by |
    • Number of news: Total number of news shown in headline, applied to both layouts.
    • Number of Featured news: Feature news is the newest articles and take most of the place of area, should be 1 if you use default_fp.php layout and 5 if you use headline_fp.php
    • Max chars of Featured news: Maximum number character displayed on featured news.
    • Show image on Featured news: Show/Hide image on featured news
    • Featured news image width: Fixed width of image in pixel (set to -1 if you want to leave image’s default size).
    • Featured news image height: Fixed height of image in pixel (set to -1 if you want to leave image’s default size).
    • Max chars of normal frontpage news: Maximum number character displayed on normal frontpage news.
    • Show image on normal frontpage news: Show/Hide image on normal frontpage news.
    • Normal news image width: Fixed width of image in pixel (set to -1 if you want to leave image’s default size).
    • Normal news image height: Fixed height of image in pixel (set to -1 if you want to leave image’s default size).
    • Layout style: Layout for displaying Frontpage news as headline. If you choose different layout, please change configuration of the other above parameters. If you choose headline_fp.php layout, you can configure more in below parameters
    • Headline Text: Text of headline
    • Show Headline Tools: Show/Hide the tools button on Headline
    • Show Headline News Title: Show/Hide the title of headline news
    • Show Headline Readmore: Show/Hide Readmore button on the headline
    • Headline Fixed Height: Fixed height of headline in pixels. Use 0 if you want the headline has flexible height.
    • Auto Roll: Roll the headline news automatically
    • Rolling delay time: Time rolling between two article on seconds.

    2.2. JA News module(
    [position: ja-news]

    On demo, it looks like:

    In Admin panel, please go to Modules >> Site Modules and click on module name (mod_janews) to go to configuration page.

    Here is the setting of JA News on demo:

    Parameters Explanation:

    • Module Class suffix: A suffix to be applied to the css class of the module (table.moduletable), this allow individual module styling
    • Article order: Order by created date or modified date.
    • Group by category or section: News displayed on front page grouped by Category or Section
    • Category (Section) ID: News belongs to Category (Section) ID will be displayed on front page. Set Category (Section) ID line by line. In each line you can put ID and color theme separated by a colon. Syntax for this is: <ID>:<color>, for example:

    • 14:orange
      9: pink

    • Show category (Section) title: Show/Hide category (section) title.
    • Intro items: Number of intro items
    • Link items: Number of link items
    • Max chars: Maximum character number displayed
    • Show image: Show/Hide news’s image
    • Image Align: Set align of image
    • Auto resize: Auto resize image or not
    • Show front page article: Show/Hide front page article
    • Image width: Fixed width of image in pixel (set to -1 if you want to leave image’s default size).
    • Image height: Fixed height of image in pixel (set to -1 if you want to leave image’s default size).
    • Columns: Number of column per row (Set to zero if you want to disable other news items)
    • Show readmore: Show/Hide Readmore button on news

    2.3. JA Bulletin module(
    [position: user1, user2]

    This module covers 2 default Joomla! modules: Latest and Mostread module. By that mean, you could show latest articles or most popular articles. You can copy the module into multiple instances (For example, in JA Rutile demo, 2 instances of the module are used, one to show latest news, one to show most popular articles). The module also supports to show image and updated date.

    On demo, it looks like:

    In Admin panel, please go to Modules >> Site Modules and click on module name (mod_jabulletin) to go to configuration page.

    Here is the setting of JA Bulletin on demo:

    Parameters Explanation:

    1. Type: Show Latest articles or Most read articles.
    2. Module Class Suffix: Style of module
    3. Enable Cache: Yes/No option
    4. Module Mode: is description mode of module: three mode: Content Items only/Static Content only/Both
    5. FrontPage items: Show/Hide frontpage items
    6. Count: number of article will be displayed
    7. Category ID, Section ID: Input category/section ID, that means published articles belong to Category/Section will be displayed
    8. Show Image: If enabled, an image in each article will be retrieved and shown. The image will be resize to the input size in next parameters.
    9. Image Width: resized image width
    10. Image Height: resized image height
    11. Show Date: Show/Hide last updated date.
    12. Date format: format of date.


    And now, i will instruct you setting your site look like our demo. Beside JA News Frontpage, JA News and JA Bulletin modules, we used Custom module of Joomla! to create articles on demo page.

    1. JA Bulletin show lastest and most popular articles on user1 and user2 position. Follow these below steps to create JA Bulletin:
      • Install JA Bulletin module
      • Go to JA Bulletin parameter, set Title is Lastest News and position is user1
      • Choose Type: Lastest News and set other parameters. So newest articles will be displayed on user1 position
      • On Module Manager panel, tick Lastest News and choose Copy to copy module.
    1. Go to Copy of Lastest News module, rename to Top views, set on user2 position and choose Type: Most read. So articles that are most read will be displayed on user2 position.
    2. Custom module to create content for New Soundtracks module, set on left position
    3. Custom module to create content for Pick of the day and Lastest trailers module, set on right position
    4. Custom module to create content for On Tonight TV and Top Photo Galleries on user5, and user6 positions

    You can check How to create Custom module guides for more details.

    After that, your site will be:


    JA Rutile came with a rich typography to give users more ability to customize content look and feel. Please check all JA Rutile typography here at JA Rutile Typography


    Q: I want to add a template position in to my Joomla!
    A: Go to your Administration Panel, Site -> Template Manager -> Module Positions. Add your template positions and hit the Save button.

    Q: Where can I change my footer?
    A: If you want to change or remove something in the footer, just open the “ja_justicia/footer.php” then modify it to suite your needs.

    Q: My images take a lot of white space and do not look good?
    A: The {mosimage} may show some extra padding and margin. To solve this problem, go to your Joomla! Administrator -> Mambots -> Site Mambots and change the margin and padding parameters of MOS Image mambot to 0.
    Q: Images without caption are stuck with text?
    A: It is because Joomla! generates the code different when {mosimage} has and doesn’t have its caption. So when you decide that the image will not having a caption, put it between the div tag like this <div class=”mosimage” style=”float: left;”>{mosimage}</div>

    Q: What’s a module style? And module class suffix?
    A: Almost modules offer you a parameter called Module Class Suffix. Set a value for this parameter and you will have your module’s appearance differs from the others. JA templates often provide you some module styles which can be found in Module Styles area of the guide.

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Hung Dinh 15 years, 7 months ago.

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