Viewing 2 posts - 16 through 17 (of 17 total)
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  • Luna Garden Moderator
    1. I want to ask about the cron job? I dont need to do anything the cron will start?
      or I need to set the cron tab at my server ?

    Just set your website to public, the Cron Job will import post automatically.

    1. is it possible to preset some font of article while importing?

    No, JA Social Feed just import post to Com_content or K2.

    1. I notice that the image import to "image and link" Field , can I don’t import there but put in the top of the article ???

    Download and unzip my attachment to :

    1. Ca import facebook group

    No, JA Social Feed only support for Facebook Fan page.


    kerrymusic Friend

    I have used it thanks

Viewing 2 posts - 16 through 17 (of 17 total)

This topic contains 17 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  kerrymusic 7 years, 12 months ago.

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