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  • bookpeg Friend

    Could someone give an explanation about how to work allvideos reloaded as there is no information it seems ….. or a breif explanation.

    For instance how do i upload a video to it.
    I realise this sounds really silly but i’m new to this.

    bookpeg Friend

    I cant find any documentation relating to how to operate this module on the site either — could someone point it out perhaps.

    anisjolly Friend

    Hey Bookpeg

    Here’s a link to the documentation:

    There’s a menu on the right hand side of the page which explains how to configure the component – i’ve followed those instructions and managed to get everything up and running – but it was like 6 months ago so I can’t eaxctly remember what i did (if i did encounter any problems).

    However, hope the documentation helps.



    bookpeg Friend

    Yep…. been there forgot about that … its kind of obscure. but it’s better then nothing.

    anisjolly Friend

    if you still have probs – let me know. If you describe to me the problem you’re having it might refresh my memory.

    I’m sure we’ve probably had the same issue.


    bookpeg Friend

    I also saw how he wrote

    If you are filling up your videos folder, you might want to organize your media into subfolders, so if – for example – you got a file named ROOT/images/stories/videos/holiday2007/film1.flv, the corresponding text would be: {flv}holiday2007/film1{/flv}. Got the idea? Ok. From now on, we will refer to that text string as tag in this documentation. The following table shows the supported file formats for local streaming and the corresponding tags to be used

    i mean he doesnt say where to place the info……
    Should i place it into the html — it’s really complicated to just place a couple of videos on a site..

    for instance on the Ja teline demo page on the front there is two videos you can alternate between how could i do that….

    anisjolly Friend

    No, you don’t need to replace the HTML.

    There should be a mod_avreloaded or something like that in your modules area.

    Click on it to to look at the settings and you can add that code there. If you still struggle – PM me your admin panel details with an Administrator login along with the path of the video where you’ve saved it and i’ll take a look for you.

    I’ve just looked at the site that I had mine on and i’ve actually removed the component but I’m sure I can still help you out.

    bookpeg Friend

    I seem to remember another way inwhich i think i found a way to link to a youtube video and the panel created the code itself. Is there something similar to this.

    Thankyou for offering the help…. i goto guard these logins though…. sure u understand.

    What did you change to by the way…. sorry thanks again man great help!

    anisjolly Friend

    I completely understand about the logins – I’d be careful on who I give access to so that not a problem 🙂

    I didn’t change to anything. I wasn’t utilising the component well – not adding new content to it and was just taking up space hence I decided to remove it.

    Plus – when I was backing up my website in full, the backup size was ridiculous due to the size of the videos I had on there – even though they were compressed enough.

    Now that i’ve removed the component and videos – the backup of my site is now 1/10th the size of what it used to be. – you have to be careful with those kind of components as if you have a lot of visitors – your bandwidth increases due to the videos being streamed and if you’re on a package which has a limit – you might end up paying out extra doh in order to compensate for it.

    Luckily I have unlimited everything but still from experience decided to hold back on such a feature.

    bookpeg Friend

    Yer i i need this component specifically.. Because apart from Ja teline being a news template which is what i’m going for it also has video in there and that is a big part of why i picked it because video is going to be important to the pages setup…

    So your saying the way to place video onoto say the frontpage through allvideos module is what? How do i actually place the video there is it only by placing the code into the settings of the actual module? and then how for instance do i have more then one video on that page…..

    And for instance if i want to show different videos on different pages how to i do that?


    anisjolly Friend

    That my friend I can’t help you with because I simply managed to get one video running at any one time – even if the playlist had more than one video in there.

    You’ll have to google the info for placing more than one video etc – I’m not sure if you’re restricted to one video on a page or not.

    To get the videos to show, you just need to configure the module correctly and place the correct code in the box that’s provided in the setting of that module and you’ll be up and running.

    bookpeg Friend

    Ok figured out how to do it i upload them via ftp to my site under the heading people gave me earlier ….. do you know how to arrange the playlists order

    joeflynn Friend

    Anisjolly, I don’t understand the part about the storage and bandwidth.

    It says specifically that one can reference the clip and let it play from the outside server. That seems like the way to go so that you don’t use storage and bandwidth. (My account gives plenty, but the point is the same, and especially your backup point was good.

    Hello Bookpeg,

    I am beating myself against the same wall as you, and find the documentation obscure, at just the same place. The author clearly doesn’t know what we don’t know.

    If you discover anything, please write it down. I want to conquer this for the same reason you describe. I’ll do the same.

    bookpeg Friend

    First i’ll let anisjolly answer if he will for you before i try give what i learnt..

    bookpeg Friend

    Yep btw the author thinks were all programers … i’m not …. sorry

    Anisjolly could you check the third question up……..

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