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  • w00tbeer1 Friend


    Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /home/content/00/4705200/html/templates/ja_purity_ii/libs/menu/base.class.php on line 149

    Don’t know what it means, all I did was switch the template. It did not occur when I was logged in, but once I logged out this message appeared.

    commodorepeter Friend

    Hi mihirc,

    The reason for the error messages:
    Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$megaparams in …/templates/ja_purity_ii/libs/menu/base.class.php on line 149

    is that the class extension megaparams cannot interrogate a menu item that has an ACL level above the user. So if you are going to the front page and menu items are called up that are only for registered or special users then the menu system fails if it attempts a test on say the modname.

    So the defect is as follows, set a menu item to registered in the menu manager, call up the frontpage and voila. Alternately, other combinations of ACL seems to fail as well i.e. acl access is different than user permission level.

    Given you have full ACL coming in 1.6 you may want to figure out a careful solution here.



    suki Friend

    edit: after i posted details on my issue, i read a new post above regarding ACL. I am also using JACL and am calling custom users via the menu.

    I changed all of the menu links to ‘public’ or deleted some others, and now it appears to be up and running.

    @peter…do you know offhand if it is only the main menu that is impacted? Can the ACL control other menus/modules etc. without causing the error?

    Thanks a ton for finding that issue! I would never have found it!

    mihirc Friend

    <em>@commodorepeter 150894 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi mihirc,

    The reason for the error messages:
    Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$megaparams in …/templates/ja_purity_ii/libs/menu/base.class.php on line 149

    is that the class extension megaparams cannot interrogate a menu item that has an ACL level above the user. So if you are going to the front page and menu items are called up that are only for registered or special users then the menu system fails if it attempts a test on say the modname.

    So the defect is as follows, set a menu item to registered in the menu manager, call up the frontpage and voila. Alternately, other combinations of ACL seems to fail as well i.e. acl access is different than user permission level.

    Given you have full ACL coming in 1.6 you may want to figure out a careful solution here.



    Is this using the default Joomla ACL or are you using any Extension for the same. I want to recreate the problem , so just wanted to know, what caused the problem. Cause 3-4 people have already reported it.

    Mihir Chhatre.

    suki Friend

    HI mihirc:

    Since changing my jACL/menu settings, i reran tests. The difficult issue with this problem, was that i never saw the problem…it was just my clients telling me they couldn’t. So, i don’t know if it is different for different browsers.

    My site is still not coming up in one test:

    (edited to remove links)

    Thanks much. It is so difficult to troubleshoot when i am the only one who can’t see the issue!

    btw – i love the template!

    mihirc Friend

    <em>@suki 150910 wrote:</em><blockquote>HI mihirc:

    Since changing my jACL/menu settings, i reran tests. The difficult issue with this problem, was that i never saw the problem…it was just my clients telling me they couldn’t. So, i don’t know if it is different for different browsers.

    My site is still not coming up in one test:

    But the other tests i ran seem to be ok now (you can see the progression throughout the day):
    Pingdom Tools (some browsers still not showing, but i suspect that is a testing error, not the template)

    Quick question: can you check my site to see if it is online:

    Thanks much. It is so difficult to troubleshoot when i am the only one who can’t see the issue!

    btw – i love the template!</blockquote>
    The site is opening fine. I can browse it also.
    As far as the error goes, I think we have got to know that the error is when you are using it with JACL , because i just checked the default joomla ACL, (public, registered, special) and it has no problem.

    I will put this in, as an improvement to the bug-tracker system. Lets see what the developers say to it.

    Mihir Chhatre.

    suki Friend

    <em>@mihirc 150912 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,
    The site is opening fine. I can browse it also.
    As far as the error goes, I think we have got to know that the error is when you are using it with JACL , because i just checked the default joomla ACL, (public, registered, special) and it has no problem.

    I will put this in, as an improvement to the bug-tracker system. Lets see what the developers say to it.

    Mihir Chhatre.</blockquote>

    Thank you for checking! i really appreciate it.

    I should have my development site up by tomorrow. It is an exact mirror of my current site. If your developers would like to test JACL on that site, just send me a PM and i will set up a login for them.


    commodorepeter Friend

    <em>@mihirc 150912 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,
    The site is opening fine. I can browse it also.
    As far as the error goes, I think we have got to know that the error is when you are using it with JACL , because i just checked the default joomla ACL, (public, registered, special) and it has no problem.

    I will put this in, as an improvement to the bug-tracker system. Lets see what the developers say to it.

    Mihir Chhatre.</blockquote>

    The error (besides other times) does occur with what you are calling “the default Joomla ACL”. The problem is that as a user you have to be logged out i.e. have a user level less than the one demanded by a menu item. So make sure “remember me ” is disabled, you have logged out, your cache is cleared, you’re not using OpenId, etc and ideally go in through a different IP (just like a regular user). As a developer you probably have super administrator privileges (actually anything above publisher privilege in the default case causes this to not be observable).

    While I have numerous other stuff running on my development system I have labourously ruled out any other conflict.

    Oh one other detail that might be causing confusion. When we are talking about menu items, you may be assuming that the items are articles, there are a number of other native Joomla types (URLS, EDITOR FORMS,ETC) and they themselves can have ACL access levels. The ones that cause the bombs are the combinations that can’t be seen in a normal (japurity native) menu (when not logged in as a registered or special user). One nifty trick to getting a crash is trashing a registered article that is also a menu item (this is an exceptional one but perhaps shows the underlying problem, you are not checking to see if the menu item is permitted to even be rendered before using it).



    thierrym Friend

    <em>@commodorepeter 150983 wrote:</em><blockquote>The error (besides other times) does occur with what you are calling “the default Joomla ACL”. The problem is that as a user you have to be logged out i.e. have a user level less than the one demanded by a menu item. So make sure “remember me ” is disabled, you have logged out, your cache is cleared, you’re not using OpenId, etc and ideally go in through a different IP (just like a regular user). As a developer you probably have super administrator privileges (actually anything above publisher privilege in the default case causes this to not be observable).

    While I have numerous other stuff running on my development system I have labourously ruled out any other conflict.

    Oh one other detail that might be causing confusion. When we are talking about menu items, you may be assuming that the items are articles, there are a number of other native Joomla types (URLS, EDITOR FORMS,ETC) and they themselves can have ACL access levels. The ones that cause the bombs are the combinations that can’t be seen in a normal (japurity native) menu (when not logged in as a registered or special user). One nifty trick to getting a crash is trashing a registered article that is also a menu item (this is an exceptional one but perhaps shows the underlying problem, you are not checking to see if the menu item is permitted to even be rendered before using it).

    +1 commodorepeter
    I confirm this error : for me it occurs when in the main menu (Mega Menu or SplitMenu), I add an alias (like an URL) visible only for registered or special members. I use the default Joomla ACL.



    korb Friend

    both section and category overides

    <?php $this->links = array_splice($this->items, $i – $this->pagination->limitstart, $i – $this->pagination->limitstart + $numlinks);

    korb Friend

    Section Blog template overide has 2 divs (one containing the other) having same class: blog_more.

    The result is having unnecessary space and an additional border…

    konstantindk Friend

    Like most other templates, it has a problem of empty modules and and separation lines. If modules are empty and have no title< there’s still a separation line.
    And if you got 2 empty modules, there are 2 extra lines, etc.

    Lot of people have empty modules like statistics, google analytics etc.

    smithers Friend

    this is what konstantindk means

    1. modules
    smithers Friend

    Not all type of links are bold and colorized when activated. (see pics)

    1. link1
    2. link2
    konstantindk Friend

    <em>@smithers 151941 wrote:</em><blockquote>this is what konstantindk means</blockquote>

    I mean more like this

    It’s different template, but problem is the same

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