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  • clownfish Friend

    I am getting this error message in the console: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) The file is http://mywebsite/custom.css

    I have not moved any css files beyond creating a theme copy or whatever you people call it. So maybe there are ghosts in the system, but clearly it needs to be fixed and I have no idea how to find a file which already exists.

    pavit Moderator


    Could you share as private reply a temp super user access for your backend ?
    I will have a look at it

    clownfish Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    clownfish Friend

    I have another issue I can’t resolve. The main navigation breaks on pages used by one particular component. I have asked the component developers – thephpfactory – the component is Jobs factory, but they say it is a template issue.

    To see the problem you would need to be logged in as a member. I can provide those details if you are able to take a look.

    pavit Moderator


    There is an error in your files loading custom.css with the wrong path as you can see from my image below.

    Correct url is the Green one.

    You should verify your customized files in new theme you created to find where that url was added

    I tested template on my local and i cannot find any error on the original released template.


    clownfish Friend

    Sorry, but can you explain how I can do that?

    pavit Moderator

    Sorry, but can you explain how I can do that?

    You should search in your customized theme

    clownfish Friend

    Search for what???

    I have a custom.css file in that theme. Is that not correct? Should it be somewhere else?

    I need some assistance here.

    pavit Moderator

    In default theme custom.css is loaded from this file /templates/ja_healthcare/tpls/blocks/head.php
    look at img below

    Your template indeed is loading twice custom.css file with a wrong url.

    I looked at your files but i was not able to find where this wrong path was added because default settings for template are correct , ( it loads correctly custom.css as you can see from green arrow in my screenshot above)

    Your customized theme is not into default template release, but it was added later to the template , then you
    should look at what was added later to find where such wrong call to custom.css was done.

    1. Screenshot-at-mag-04-09-21-15
    clownfish Friend

    I’m sorry, but this sentence "Your customized theme is not into default template release, but it was added later to the template , then you should look at what was added later to find where such wrong call to custom.css was done" does not make sense to me.

    How do I put the customised theme into the default template release? Of course it was added later. I installed the template and THEN added the custom template. How else could I have done it?

    clownfish Friend

    Can you or someone provide some kind of step by step advice on how I can rectify this?

    pavit Moderator

    How do I put the customised theme into the default template release?

    Your customized theme was added correctly to your template ( this is not the problem )

    I’m only saying to search in that files , since we cannot provide assistance for your customizations.


    clownfish Friend

    Again, search for what? A custom.css file? If so, yes thats where my custom.css is – in the theme files. Where else would it need to be???

    pavit Moderator

    Again, search for what? A custom.css file?

    I think i was enough clear in my answer above, showing you how default custom.css was loaded into default template.

    You should search for a similar call , i cannot say where to search it because i don’t know how it was added

    similar call can be added also into an index.php file or any other file.

    clownfish Friend

    OK, I have removed the custom.css from the theme I created, and instead replaced the unused one in the template files with the one I removed from the theme. I assume that is what you mean me to do? There should now only be one but there is still an error. I have no idea what I should do next.

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