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  • businesstraveller Friend

    So what is the right way to order by categories? It should have been published in the version 1.3?

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@scotty 146843 wrote:</em><blockquote>doesn’t work

    needs a ; at the end but query is wrong anyway</blockquote>


    So it does not work? What exactly does the “s” in “order by s.ordering” refer to?

    I do not know the correct scripting, if the above does not work, but the key must be the same script that allows manual ordering via the BackEnd of features, like the articles in the JA NewsFrontpage, or other “order” revisions done in rearranging modules, components of the Magazine menu, etc.

    I hope someone provides a solution to this soon. I do not want to dletete old and “create” new categories to provide a run-around this problem.


    scotty Friend

    Is this not working in 1.3 either? It was supposed to be fixed in 1.3!

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi all

    Please change:

    $query .= "order by s.ordering"


    $query .= " order by s.ordering"

    scotty Friend

    and don’t forget the semicolon after it, so full line would be

    [PHP]$query .= ” order by s.ordering”;[/PHP]Thanks JA Dev… tried and tested and works.

    cgc0202 Friend

    Thanks very much JA Developer and Scotty,

    <em>@JA Developer 146951 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi all

    Please change:

    $query .= "order by s.ordering"


    $query .= " order by s.ordering"

    <em>@scotty 146949 wrote:</em><blockquote>Is this not working in 1.3 either? It was supposed to be fixed in 1.3!</blockquote>

    I just got a chance to try it in one site myself then confirmed it in another Demo, and the revised script does work, with the modification suggested by Scotty to the original revision suggested by JA Developer, Here’s the revised script as suggested above:

    $query = "SELECT `id`, `title`, `description`, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(`alias`) THEN CONCAT_WS(":", `id`, `alias`) ELSE `id` END as `slug` FROM `#__categories` s WHERE published = 1 and section=" . ( int ) $sid . $where;

    $query .= " order by s.ordering";

    The script in red is the added script. Amazing also how the space made a difference???

    Please consider the “ordering” issue as solved. Thanks again.


    cgc0202 Friend

    The additional information below may be useful to Teline III users who, like myself, may not be too well-versed with scripting or just the current Teline III.

    Using the revised script, it appears that:

    1. the ordering of the categories that appear in the FrontEnd depends on the way the categories are ordered manually in the Categories Menu (BackEnd) and not in the Magazine menu. If I am not mistaken, in Teline II, the ordering of the categories in the Magazine menu was what was followed (I have to confirm this when I get a chance).
    2. the actual (Title) name of the Categories that appear in the FrontEnd depends also on how they are named in the Category Manager (BackEnd) and not in the Magazine menu. This is the case also in Teline II.

    Verification of the above observations by others would be appreciated.

    The second observation is very critical. Just like the Categories, in Teline II, the “(Title) Name” of the Category as it appeared in the Category Menu (BackEnd) determines what observed in the FrontEnd JA News2.

    “(Title) Name” of the Section in the Section Page layout

    This should be analogous case also for the “(Title) Name” of the Section, except for one issue — the “(Title) Name” of the Section in the “Section Page”.

    In Teline III (all versions up to v1.3 so far), even if the “(Title) Name” of the Section was changed in the Section Manager and the Magazine menu, the “(Title) Name” of the Section is not revised in the “Section Page” layout. This bug and other observations are presented in separate thread:

    Bug: Revised Section Name is Not Correct in Section Page Layout

    I would appreciate any help related to the above issue regarding the “(Title) Name” of the Section in the Section Page layout”.

    Thanks in advance.


    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Reported for bug fixation. Hope to see it implemented in the coming up Teline iii 1.4 version.

    The bug Id is JAECMODJANEWS-4


    scotty Friend

    cgc0202;147045 Using the revised script, it appears that:

    1. the ordering of the categories that appear in the FrontEnd depends on the way the categories are ordered manually in the Categories Menu (BackEnd) and not in the Magazine menu. If I am not mistaken, in Teline II, the ordering of the categories in the Magazine menu was what was followed (I have to confirm this when I get a chance).
    2. the actual (Title) name of the Categories that appear in the FrontEnd depends also on how they are named in the Category Manager (BackEnd) and not in the Magazine menu. This is the case also in Teline II.

    ..and this is exactly how it should work. The menu items are just links, that’s all. JA News calls actual categories, not menu items.

    ergohost Friend

    ah ok, i just noticed the naming disparity earlier today. Glad itss accepted as a bug. Havent focused on the ordering too much yet.

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