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  • maghen Friend

    I am using Joomla! 1.5.3 and Teline 2 ver. 1.0 on my website

    I have managed to tweak the template the way I want – with one peculiar exception: How do I change background color for “Featured article” on the frontpage? As you can see, the color now is white.

    I would appreciate an answer.

    jsliao Friend

    nice site!

    im sorry but which is the featured article? sorry i nv used teline much and cant understand the language of the site

    maghen Friend

    I have attached an image file to illustrate the problem – which I’m sure is a simple one. Hope you or someone else can help me with this.

    I’m a little bit flabbergasted that I couldn’t fix this myself. I’m unable to find the right spot in any style sheet to change this background color.

    1. balkongen
    maghen Friend

    I’ve fixed it. Problem solved.

    joeflynn Friend

    What did you do? Where did you find it?



    maghen Friend

    It’s a little embarrassing, but funny – now. There must be something with my eyesight. “As you can see, the color now is white.”, I wrote in my posting.

    Thought I knew my way around style sheets, but I was – more and more flabbergasted – hunting every “background: #FFFFFF” in every style sheet. Until I suddenly discovered that the color really was #F7F7F7.

    Then it was easy. You can change it in

    The thing to look for, is

    There you can set any background color. Like mine:
    background: #F9FBED;

    jsliao Friend

    anyway, do upgrade your joomla version 🙂

    maghen Friend

    Hi jsliao,

    Yah, that’s next on my to-do-list. But I have delayed because it involves both Joomla and Teline.

    My worries are:
    – If I first update Joomla from 1.5.3 to 1.5.9, will my Teline II v 1.0 collaps?
    – If I first update Teline II from v 1.0 to v 1.6, will it collaps on a Joomla 1.5.3 platform?

    I would appresiate an input from you or some other support guys on this one.

    FYI: I have installed the Quickstart version of Teline II.
    Does that imply that I must use the Quickstart-update also?

    Even more importantly: I hesitate to overwrite all the changes I’ve made on the installed files.
    Any way to get around that?

    I really would appresiate an answer to these questions. It seems a bit odd that I must give away passwords and usernames to get in touch with those who are supposed to be supportive to customers.

    jsliao Friend

    to be frank, i am not sure how the updates will affect ur site.

    however, i do know that there are some security issues in pre1.5.9 versions so you should really upgrade your joomla. as to upgrading of teline II, I see no purpose in doing that if you site looks and works ok.

    just do a backup prior to upgrading to 1.5.9 and restore if something goes wrong. thats the best advice i can give you.

    maghen Friend

    thanks, jsliao, appreciate it.

    ukfraternite Friend

    Hello maghen,

    I have recently come accross your your website when I was looking for an answer to one of my queries.

    I have noticed that you have done some modifications that I desire. Like making categories display many articles with intro text and pictures instead of just one article and the rest are links articles.

    I would very greatful if you kindly direct me on how to achieve that.

    See attached picture for illustration. I have posted a thread earlier but no answer, yet

    Thank you.

    1. untitled
    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@maghen 115462 wrote:</em><blockquote>I am using Joomla! 1.5.3 and Teline 2 ver. 1.0 on my website

    I have managed to tweak the template the way I want – with one peculiar exception: How do I change background color for “Featured article” on the frontpage? As you can see, the color now is white.

    I would appreciate an answer.</blockquote>

    Hi maghen,

    This is irrelevant to your initial question and you have already solved what you asked. What I noticed though is the version of Joomla and Teline II that you are using.

    Joomla! 1.5.3 and Teline 2 ver. 1.0

    except for a few of the upgrades, almost all the other upgrades since Joomla! 1.5.3 were security upgrades.. In fact, I think it was around the time of Joomla! 1.5.3 (before or after???) when there were a flurry of security upgrades.

    You already have a very extensive website and it would be unfortunate if someone took advantage of the security flaws of Joomla. And, Joomlart has similarly made many changes in the Teline II (especially around the end of Summer 2008) that resolved many of the issues related to Teline II.

    The danger of upgrading of course is that it could wreck your site completely because of some incompatibilities between the default template and an extensively modified template, like you are using now.


    maghen Friend

    Hi ukfraternite,

    You go to Extensions –> Module Manager –> JA News and set what you want there. If you – like I do – want to have 5 “Intro Items” + 8 “Link Items”, you put in the numbers in the “Intro Items” and the “Link Items” boxes (right side of the page).

    There you also set “Max Chars” for the intros, whether to show or hide images, image align (left/right) and the size of the images.

    Very simple, really, when you know where to look.. Hope it may help you.


    maghen Friend

    Hi cgc0202,

    I did upgrade to Joomla 1.5.9 today, so that’s all right. Next step is to upgrade Teeline II. I’m still pondering, as I have tweaked it a lot, and hesitant to overwrite it all. 🙂


    ukfraternite Friend

    <em>@maghen 117511 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi ukfraternite,

    Very simple, really, when you know where to look.. Hope it may help you.

    You said it all, Maghen. It is simple when you know where it is…

    Thank you very much. Problem solved.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

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