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  • dekari10 Friend


    i cannot understand why the ja slideshow module cannot work with k2!!

    you’ve made other modules work like ja_contentslider, ja_bulletin, ja_social plugin and many other and you haven’t yet fixed the MAIN module of EVERY template that you made and this is the SLIDESHOW this is a very big problem…

    for example in JA Kranos you embed the k2 items, with awesome styling and functionality…
    so a put all my data in k2 BUT i have to make a category in standard articles to use is in slideshow…..
    this is confusing and not right…

    Second remark: In ja_contentslider (and i HOPE NOT IN SLIDESHOW…) the main image of k2 items is NOT considered from the module. so if you make a k2 item with one image (not in text but in the special tab “image”) the contentslider will NOT show any image…
    you must put the image in text as you would do for standard articles… SO what do i gain by using k2? nothing…

    you make WONDERFUL templates and EXCELLENT word… it is shame that many have problems in these details i describe…

    thanks a lot !!!

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi dekari10,

    This might a shortcomings, the ja slideshow module should has been updated to support for k2 a long time ago, I have reported this issue to JA developer team and I Hope it would be updated soon.
    Regrading the ja_contentslider, I have checked and I believe that it got images from k2 images tab, not only image from k2 content, please check again to be sure that your module is latest version, if not plz just update it.

    dekari10 Friend

    you’re right about content slider latest version gets the image of k2 item from image tab..

    but still in “images folder” option, the images are not opening in LIGHTBOX!!
    it’s awful, they open in browser as an image… not even in a simple javascript popup…

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  dekari10 12 years, 3 months ago.

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