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  • seaton Friend

    Just a quick question about choosing what theme is joomla 1.5 and virtuemart enabled?



    instantinlaw Friend

    Looks like JA Larix is the only option with VM intergrated that is ready for J1.5.

    seaton Friend

    Thanks for that, as a club newbie, I founds it a bit confusing what templates did what, then when I finally found what the shopping ones were, they did not work with joomla 1.5 + virtumart 🙁 , although it appears that the club is well on the way in conversions, so I just need to be patient 🙂 , in the meantime I’ll have a play with Larix, and get familiar with it all.

    To Club management:

    It would be nice to have some sort of classification system on all your templates, i..e search by type e.g. shopping, virtuemart, gaming, or have some form of identification system using icons in the download area. Such as icons for 1.5 compatibility, virtuemart and so on. I just find it very confusing what templates do what, but that may be me as a club newb


    instantinlaw Friend

    Another issue you may run up against is that Virtuemart is not yet supported in J1.5. There is a beta version of VM for J1.5, called version 1.1. You may want to wait until that version is stable before doing a bunch of work. It is suposed to be stable at the end of this month.
    You can however use any template with VM, although most are not designed with VM in mind.
    Good luck

    djreprints Friend

    There is a problem with checkout using virtumart and the dravity template.

    it messes up the cart. Have no problems with rockettheme

    we tested with dravity quickstart

    virtuemart is unreliable with dravity.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@seaton 43885 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    It would be nice to have some sort of classification system on all your templates, i..e search by type e.g. shopping, virtuemart, gaming, or have some form of identification system using icons in the download area. Such as icons for 1.5 compatibility, virtuemart and so on. I just find it very confusing what templates do what, but that may be me as a club newb
    Stephen . . .

    Templates, by definition, are merely starting points for you to take and modify/customize into whatever you want them to be. As such – while there may be some templates that seem as though they are specifically designed for a particular purpose (such as JA Larix) – the fact of the matter is that ANY template can be ANYTHING you want it to be.

    Any template can be modified into an ecommerce site, or a radio station site, or a hotel reservation site, or a political news portal/blog site, etc., etc., etc. Therefore, there really isn’t a need for a “classification” system, per se – because no template necessarily fits into any one category.

    ndmiharu Friend

    TOM, pls stop your bored words, many people here aren’t designer and coder like you, they want to use ready templates for their websites. It’s reason why they come to JA.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@ndmiharu 50703 wrote:</em><blockquote>TOM, pls stop your bored words, many people here aren’t designer and coder like you, they want to use ready templates for their websites. It’s reason why they come to JA.</blockquote>

    Apparently, you have completely misunderstood what I said.

    Number one, I am neither a designer nor a coder. Secondly, the reason people come to JA is because JA offers appealing and innovative base templates for the Joomla CMS from which it’s members can take and modify/customize from there to develop into a relatively unique website. For excellent examples of this – look no further than most of the “site of the month” nominations throughout the past several months.

    I provided you with a perfectly valid response to your question – “what is a good theme for Joomla 1.5 and Virtuemart.” The answer is – virtually ANY of JA’s templates can be used for such. What is so difficult to understand about that?

    counterpart Friend

    i too am having trouble with Dravity and VM. the shop works fine with any other template i use. with Dravity i cant get past the checkout without being redirected to the home page.


    i really wanted to use the cart and Dravity together but i guess i will have to find another solution

    sbaldwin Friend

    Thanks Instant Inlaw for the helpful information! I was getting geared-up to install VM into my JA Quillaja template but I’ll defeinatly wait for the stable release of VM before doing so. A little patiance now is well worth the wait! 😀

    sbaldwin Friend

    Hi Tom,
    Thank you for the information about VM as I too was a bit confused if I could add in a shopping cart on any of the templates provided by JA. I was still in the mind-set of old school HTML web templates where you had to buy a ecommerce type template to have a shopping cart implemented. I LOVE Joomla ! and will never, never go back to the way I used to build websites!

    PS Don’t you just love it when an Unlincensed member hops on the Forum and makes that type of un-warrented comment when your trying to help? I perfectly understood you and thought it was very helpful information! Thank god for people like you that take the time to help us out! 😀

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