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  • yavuzturk Friend

    Hi, I have a problem with ja antares template’s menus.

    how can we change main menus options, we want to change these place?

    thanks for your help…

    I’m sorry. I read some answers but I didn’t understand yet my english not vey god.

    yavuzturk Friend

    is there anyone ? I think no one hear me ? I need help ? I must to this, or another theme which that I can do this ?

    Please write ?I m waiting here ????

    kashxo Friend

    on Left column, beside Main menu, do you have any other modules published there?

    kashxo Friend

    This looks just a normal task but you will need a lot of modification.
    Please follow my instruction carefully
    (This guide is for Joomla! 1.0 – ja_antares)

    1. Open index.php in folder ja_antares. Search for this code:
    <blockquote> <!– BEGIN: MAIN NAVIGATION –>
    <div id=”ja-mainnav”<?php echo $bottomborder;?>>
    switch ($ja_menutype) {
    case 1: echo $topnav;
    case 2:
    case 3:
    <!– END: MAIN NAVIGATION –></blockquote>
    in my case, it’s at line 204.

    Select the whole code and replace with this:
    <div id=”ja-mainnav”<?php echo $bottomborder;?>>
    mosLoadModules(‘user10’, -3);
    Please note that there are 2 blocks look like that, we only modify the code at line 204 and leave other alone.

    2. Search for this code, in my file, it’s at line 317:
    <?php echo
    mosLoadModules ( ‘left’,-3 );
    <!– END: LEFT COLUMN –>
    <?php } ?>
    Select that and replace with this code:
    <?php echo
    mosLoadModules ( ‘left’,-3 );
    <!– END: LEFT COLUMN –>
    <?php } else {
    echo ‘<div id=”ja-leftcol”>’;
    switch ($ja_menutype) {
    case 1: echo $topnav;
    case 2:
    case 3:
    echo ‘</div>’;
    if( $subnav ) { ?>
    <div id=”ja-subnav” class=”module-<?php echo $ja_color; ?>”>
    <h3><?php echo $menuname; ?></h3>
    <?php echo $subnav; ?>
    <?php }
    } ?>

    3. Now open your template_css.css file and goto line 1019, you’ll see:
    #ja-mainbody-fl #ja-content {
    float: left;
    width: 97.5%;
    Change that to:
    #ja-mainbody-fl #ja-content {
    float: right;
    width: 72.5%;

    4. The last step is goto you admin panel and go to Modules >> Site Modules, select MainMenu, then publish it to user10 position. If you don’t have that position, please go to Site >> Template Manager >> Module Positions and create it.

    Now, goto your frontend and refresh to see it working.

    – Backup your current files first.
    – Make sure that no module published at “left” position.

    yavuzturk Friend

    Thanks for your message, nice to meet you. If we have some problem we will write again..
    Thank alot again.. 🙂

    itelligenz Friend

    Hi @ all!

    is it possible to change the top menu with the main menu? In that case it would be nice to apply a menu style like transmenu or son of suckerfish. A nother problem is the alignment of the top menu (or later main menu). How to set the alignment to the left side?

    Thanks for your help

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