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  • gekkographic Friend

    Please help. I made a mistake and now I do not know how to fix it.
    Trying to make the contens of a table go to the top, something happend, and now the topbanner image will not show completly:-( i checked the css and the size is right for the logo.
    Also it is like something happend to the menu, before it was black, like the menu when it unfold, no it is grey, how to change it back.

    Could I have deletet something unattentional ? and how do I get it back ?

    The site is here :

    Best regards from

    pavit Moderator


    You can restore the original template.css files of template and replace the actual files you modified

    In this way you can start again to make your desired changes in the correct way

    gekkographic Friend

    Thank you for your advice. I kept it as a last solution. Instead i tryed to locate the mistake by comparing the template files using Notepad++ with the compare extensions, and that way I found that I by mistake deleted a ” } ” at the end of a code line, when I inserted that again, it worked 🙂

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  gekkographic 10 years, 6 months ago.

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