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  • victortopper Friend

    My friendtimteca built the site ( without quickstartjooservices as suggested me. The titles of the modules in megamenu are not aligned. How to fix?

    timtecsa Friend

    Screen grab: the red module titles in megamenu should be aligned?

    melvine Friend

    Hello Timtecsa,
    Did you try to put the date like this

    Or reduce the size of the date.

    Best regards

    timtecsa Friend

    Well spotted but what does the date have to do with the module titles? i.e. ‘CONGO B CATEGORIES’ and ‘LATEST CONGO B’ titles which are not top-aligned. On menu item ‘MONDE’ ‘s megamenu the module titles are correctly top-aligned.

    To put it another way, module title ‘CONGO B CATEGORIES’ is missing space above it.

    melvine Friend

    Sorry I thought the problem was the titles on the menu.

    Yes there is a problem indeed. When the backgorund is white there is a problem, not when it’s grey.

    melvine Friend

    Did you check your mega-menu ?

    ( j’?cris en fran?ais plus facile. Fait attention de bien cliquer sur le module pour voir les parametres, pense aussi ? nettoyer tes files dans t3-assets, parfois il y a un cache qui peut t’empecher de voir le r?sultat)

    timtecsa Friend

    Weird. Why only ‘CONGO B’ and ‘CULTURE’ megamenus? Also “CULTURE’ category is set to ‘cat-green’ but remains black. ??

    timtecsa Friend

    <blockquote>pense aussi ? nettoyer tes files dans t3-assets, parfois il y a un cache qui peut t’empecher de voir le r?sultat)</blockquote>

    comment nettoyer le cache dans t3-assets?

    melvine Friend

    it’s just a problem of set up with the parameter, nothing bad

    melvine Friend

    <em>@timtecsa 496564 wrote:</em><blockquote>comment nettoyer le cache dans t3-assets?</blockquote>

    Tu prends le dossier css dans t3-assets et tu le mets ? la poubelle lol (enfin tu le vide)
    Il va se recr?er. J’avais des changements de style ? faire et je me demandais pourquoi les r?sultats n’?taient pas visibles j’ai donc test? en vidant le fichier css qui est dans t3-assets.

    A l’installation ce dossier n’existe pas, il se cr?er.

    timtecsa Friend

    Ces fichiers a la poubelle?

    mon erreur, un autre template.:-(

    Mon propre dossier t3-assets n’a pas de fichiers ‘css’.

    melvine Friend

    Oui ?a y ressemble. Mais si tu n’a pas de probleme laisse les( au cas ou mets les dans un fichier en sauvegarde , regarde le r?sultat et remets les si tu veux). A distance ce n’est pas ?vident d’aider et pas envie de te faire faire n’importe quoi.:-[

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi guys,

    I’m not familiar with your native language, let me know if you still need helps on this.

    timtecsa Friend

    Hi @saguaros.

    Problem mostly resolved when I noticed ‘mega=left’ instead of ‘mega-left’ 🙁

    However I can’t get the ‘cat-purple’ setting in category Culture to show as purple on the megamenu module titles. The menu item itself is purple and so are the article categories in little boxes. Any ideas?

    c.c @melvine c.c. @victortopper

    Saguaros Moderator

    The idea here is that each category will have its own color so the color will be set via settings of that category. If you go to the megamenu configuration in template manager, you will see that it displays the ‘Categories Culture’ module:

    In settings of this module, it’s showing content from sub-category of ‘Culture’ category on your site so you just need to open the ‘Culture’ category in Content manager > navigate to ‘JA Extra Fields’ tab and fill the color as you wish. By default, it should be cat-violet

    And keep in mind that there MUST be a space before class name.

    I just added for you and it works now.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

This topic contains 16 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  timtecsa 8 years, 7 months ago.

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