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  • jga159 Friend


    I have quite a problem with slideshow and Internet Explorer, especially with “_highlight” class, autoplay “Yes”. Text, and furthermore headings (h3, etc.) and bold, seems like there is no antialiasing, like if it’s a bad resolution image. Other text is OK, problem is only with IE (I have IE8, but I guess it’s the same thing with other versions).

    You can see in attachment pieces captures with IE and with Firefox. Of course, IE is far less powerful than IE, but unfortunately most of users see the page with IE. So I need to have a good looking for them too. What can I / you do ?


    1. Capture-IE8
    2. Capture-FIREFOX
    thangnn1510 Friend

    Dear jga159!

    Could you give us the link to your site to check and give you the solution for this CSS problem?


    jga159 Friend

    Hi thangnn1510 !

    Link (test server) is

    By the way it seems in your demo site that there is a kind of “post anti-aliasing” with IE8 : when, for Today Highlights, you run from on slide to another, for on second or two, there’s this aliasing effect first, before a proper anti-aliasing of fonts.

    thangnn1510 Friend

    Dear Jga159!

    This is quick fix for you:

    Please find this code:

    .ja-slide-buttons {
    box-shadow: -1px 0 3px #fff;
    -moz-box-shadow: -1px 0 3px #fff;
    -webkit-box-shadow: -1px 0 3px #fff;
    opacity: 0.7;
    -moz-opacity: 0.7;

    and remove


    the code is located in templates/ja_rave.v1.0.2/css/css3.css

    Good luck! 🙂

    jga159 Friend

    Thanks thangnn1510, but this does not solve the main problem, which is aliasing on text, and more specialy on titles and bold.

    emhc Friend

    Hi Jga159,

    Indeed, IE doesn’t renders JS well. You can fix this bug by adding this code into the very bottom of aspcje/templates/ja_rave.v1.0.2/local/themes/aspcje/css/template.css file: [PHP].moduletable_highlight { background: #fff; }[/PHP]

    jga159 Friend

    Thanks hongnt98 for this suggestion. Unfortunately, it doesn’t change anything. And it doesn’t seems to be the trick you used on JA Rave demonstration site.

    emhc Friend

    Hi Jga159,

    I discovered that this bug also on the demo of joomlart. When set slideshow auto play and used Mark Transition Tyle: “Opacity” then this bug appears in IE. I created an issue for this problem.

    For fix clear plz go to ja_ravecssmod_jaslideshow2.css line 82 change
    [PHP].moduletable_highlight .maskDesc{
    top: 15px !important;
    width: 470px !important;
    left: 0px;
    [PHP].moduletable_highlight .maskDesc{
    background: #fff;
    top: 15px !important;
    width: 470px !important;
    left: 0px;

    Or update template JA Rave ver 1.0.3

    Thanks for your report!

    jga159 Friend

    Solved. Thanks. But there’s another problem with slideshow and IE : I saw in the download area that there’s a new version of the module. Then I installed it and it put a real mess in the template (articles didn’t shown anymore). Of course, I returned to the previous version.

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