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  • joachim funk Friend


    I’ve had the same problem a few weeks ago: After updating to Joomla 3.2.2 I couldn’t see the layouts in my template-styles in the admin-backend (I use JA Fixel). “Wall Crasher” postet a solution:

    <em>@Wall Crasher 409918 wrote:</em><blockquote>@ rapaoudesign, @ 42gaming

    The problem is from in-compatibility of T3 and the latest version of Joomla v3.2.2.
    Please do not upgrade to Joomla v3.2.2 or you can apply the fix below.

    Just open the plugins/system/t3/admin/tpls/default.php file and replace

    $canDo = TemplatesHelper::getActions();


    $canDo = version_compare( JVERSION, '3.2.2', 'ge' ) ? JHelperContent::getActions('com_templates') : TemplatesHelper::getActions();

    Today I have the same problem after the T3-update, because there has been no template-update of JA-Fixel yet. I would have changed the code by myself in the way WallCrasher described it – but the code has changed a little bit. Here’s the the new code in line 23:

    $canDo = method_exists('TemplatesHelper', 'getActions') ? TemplatesHelper::getActions() : JHelperContent::getActions('com_templates');

    Can someone help me to fix the problem? Thanks!

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I have tested both snippets above but I could not see the problem. The new code in T3 framework is deemed to cover the latest fix. Please check again. If you still face the problem, just let me know.

    joachim funk Friend

    Hi Ninja Lead,

    yes, I still have the problem, that I can’t see the “Position & Responsive Configuration”. Would you like to have a short look in the backend? Then I would send you a PM with the login data…

    Edit: PM has been sent

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Please pm me correct url of your back-end. I tried to access your back-end, it automatically rollbacks to the front-end.

    joachim funk Friend

    Sorry – I’ve forgotten, that I’ve installed a Security-Plugin. I’ve sent you the correct URl of my backend…

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@joachim funk 417892 wrote:</em><blockquote>Sorry – I’ve forgotten, that I’ve installed a Security-Plugin. I’ve sent you the correct URl of my backend…</blockquote>

    I’m not quite sure what modifications you have done from php code in JA Fixel template. Please let me know in more details about that. Also pm me FTP credentials info of your hosting, I will help you to debug further.

    joachim funk Friend

    Ok, I’ve sent you the FTP-login-data.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@joachim funk 417908 wrote:</em><blockquote>Ok, I’ve sent you the FTP-login-data.</blockquote>

    I found that your .htaccess file has many configurations which prevent file access from back-end. I tested with the default Joomla .htaccess file, it works fine as in this screenshot.

    With your old .htaccess file, it shows the error:

    You need to fix the issue from .htaccess file to allow access from back-end site.

    1. ja_fixel
    2. the_error
    joachim funk Friend

    Hi Ninja Lead,

    thank’s a lot – you’re right. I changed the .htaccess and now can see my template layouts. I’ll check my .htaccess step-by-step to find the code, which is blocking the access.

    For all, who are interested – the following lines of code have blocked the access:


    ########## Begin - Rule to block "?tp=1"
    #RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} tp=(.*)
    #RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [F,L]
    ########## End - Rule to block "?tp=1"

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