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  • remaxutila Friend

    My Configuration:
    Purity iii v1.1.2
    T3 Framework v2.4.1

    I was having problems styling megamenu.
    Changing the values of some of the Dropdowns variables in variables.less

    // Dropdowns
    // -------------------------

    @dropdown-bg: @gray-dark;
    @dropdown-border: @gray-dark;
    @dropdown-fallback-border: @gray-dark;
    @dropdown-divider-bg: lighten(@dropdown-bg,5%);

    @dropdown-link-color: @gray-light;
    @dropdown-link-hover-color: #fff;
    @dropdown-link-hover-bg: lighten(@dropdown-bg,5%);

    @dropdown-link-active-color: #fff;
    @dropdown-link-active-bg: darken(@dropdown-bg,5%);

    @dropdown-link-disabled-color: @gray-light;

    @dropdown-header-color: @gray-light;

    @dropdown-caret-color: @dropdown-link-color;

    did not seem to have the desired affect.

    After much investigation I discovered the problem was with megamenu.less
    For example,
    I had to change megamenu.less (around line 155)

    .mega-nav > > a, .dropdown-menu .mega-nav > > a {
    color: @dropdown-link-active-color;
    background-color: @dropdown-link-active-bg;
    // Link states
    &:focus {
    background-color: @dropdown-link-hover-bg;

    to achieve the CSS styling I was expecting fro active links when using variables.less

    TomC Moderator

    You should not be modifying less files -a s they will be overwritten if/when you should ever decide to update/upgrade your core template files. The preferred method for CSS customization, rather, is via creating a new file called “custom.css” within file path –> /templates/purity_iii/css/ <– and inserting your customized CSS rules there.

    remaxutila Friend

    TomC, thanks,

    I was not intending to suggest the core template files be modified – just identifying where modifications may need to be made.

    I prefer to work with LESS files – either via Thememagic or via a custom theme ( For me, working with LESS files makes things easier for the obvious reasons (consistent CSS definitions). As I am sure you are aware, the T3 framework provides multiple options for customizing a Template so that the customizations are not overwritten by a Template/Framework package update/re-install.

    Thanks – Mark

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@remaxutila 458527 wrote:</em><blockquote>TomC, thanks,

    I was not intending to suggest the core template files be modified – just identifying where modifications may need to be made.

    I prefer to work with LESS files – either via Thememagic or via a custom theme ( For me, working with LESS files makes things easier for the obvious reasons (consistent CSS definitions). As I am sure you are aware, the T3 framework provides multiple options for customizing a Template so that the customizations are not overwritten by a Template/Framework package update/re-install.

    Thanks – Mark</blockquote>

    I am absolutely aware —>


    remaxutila Friend


    It took me a while to get my ‘head around’ all the various methods/options available for customizing a T3 Framework Template, mainly because I did not read ALL the documentation from start to finish before ‘jumping in’ and working on my Template customization – my bad.

    As long as a stuck with the principle “DO NOT MODIFY ORIGINAL FILES – look for another way to customize” I eventually discovered a solution.

    The one exception to this principle was when I was trying to modify the CSS loading order in <head>.
    I made a copy of template.less in …/themes/MyCustomTheme folder and modified the various @import paths accordingly, but I could not get it to work for;
    ../../../../../plugins/system/t3/base-bs3/less/megamenu.less” and (I seem to remember) for
    so I had to modify the original template.less file.

    I am guessing the problem was something to do with recursion in the various @import statements.

    If you have a solution to my CSS loading order in <head> problem that does not involve modifying original files I would appreciate it.
    The main issue I was tying to resolve was to ensure that /t3-assets/dev/MyCustomTheme/ was the last stylesheet to be loaded so that I could be sure it wasn’t being overriden by any other t3 stylesheet.

    Thanks – Mark

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