Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
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  • jmartinez Friend

    The slideshow just quit working. I think it was working when I first installed via quickstart, but somewhere between enabling SEO url’s and messing with content it just stopped.

    jmartinez Friend

    Umm…Mods and Admins…..hello! Paying customer here, can I get a little help?

    jimg Friend


    Not a mod, but i think i see the problem. Try changing the ja_slideshow module parameter “include mootools library” to no & save.

    Why? your page is throwing the following javascript error:

    JaSlideshowClass is not defined
    Line 165

    Which points to the following section:

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""/>

    Which is returning a 404 error.

    Note the double slash after index…

    Good luck!

    (btw, found this quickly by using firebug – would suggest downloading a copy at )

    jmartinez Friend

    Thanks for the help, bro!

    Still not working though. I am downloading Firebug atm, so we’ll so what I can find. Any other ideas?

    jmartinez Friend

    JaSlideshowClass is not defined
    [Break on this error] JaSlideshow = new JaSlideshowClass({

    Thats the error firebug is finding.

    jimg Friend

    Hmmm – here is what i see:

    The template – specifically JA_Slideshow – is attempting to load the following file but cannot..

    Here is the request:

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""/>

    And here is the response:

    <TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE>
    <H1>Not Found</H1>
    The requested URL /index//modules/mod_jaslideshow/ja_slideshow/ja-slideshow.js was not found on this server.<P>
    <ADDRESS>Apache/1.3.39 Server at Port 80</ADDRESS>

    The file is there… I can see it at

    so (IMHO) its a code error in mod_jaslideshow.php that affects those who have an installation outside of the root. In my case, I didn’t have the same problem you had because would resolve even with the malformed URI, while would not.

    Try this (no guarantees – back up what you have!) version of jaslideshow.php – see if it works for you.


    defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );

    $folder = $params->get( 'folder', 'images/stories/fruit' );

    $mootools = $params->get('mootools',1);

    $swidth = $params->get( 'swidth', 430 );

    $sheight = $params->get( 'sheight', 200 );

    $altimage = $params->get( 'altimage', 'JA Slideshow -' );

    $orderby = $params->get( 'sortCriteria', 0);

    $sort = $params->get( 'sort', '1');

    $setimagearray = $params->get( 'setimagearray', '');

    $startwith = $params->get( 'startwith', 0);

    $autoresize = $params->get( 'autoresize', 0);

    $timedisplay = $params->get( 'timedisplay', 9000 );

    $timeanimation = $params->get( 'timeanimation', 2000);

    $animation = $params->get( 'animation', 'combo');

    $ppercent = $params->get( 'ppercent', 10);

    $zpercent = $params->get( 'zpercent', 10);

    $effect = $params->get( 'effect', 'bounceOut');

    $showCaption = $params->get( 'showCaption', 1 );

    $showmode = $params->get( 'showmode', 0 );

    $navigation = $params->get('navigation',"");

    $showDescription = $params->get('showDescription',0);

    $descriptions = $params->get('description',"");

    $play = $params->get('play',"play");

    global $iso_client_lang;
    $descriptionArr = preg_split('/<lang=([^>]*)>/', $descriptions , -1 , PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
    $description = '';
    if(count($descriptionArr) > 1){
    if($descriptionArr[$i] == $iso_client_lang){
    $description = $descriptionArr[($i+1)];
    $description = $descriptionArr[1];
    $description = $descriptionArr[0];
    $description = str_replace("<br />", "n", $description);
    $description = explode("n",$description);

    $descriptionArray = array();

    foreach($description as $desc){

    //~ $list = explode(":", $desc , 2);

    //~ $descriptionArray[$list[0]] = $list[1];

    if ($desc) {

    $list = split(":", $desc, 2);

    $list[1] = (count($list) > 1) ? split("&", $list[1]) : array();

    $temp = array();

    for ($i = 0; $i < count($list[1]); ++$i) {

    $l = split("=", $list[1][$i]);

    $temp)] = trim($l[1]);


    $descriptionArray[$list[0]] = $temp;




    $folder = checkURL($folder);

    if(!$folder){ echo "This folder doesn't exist."; }


    if (trim($setimagearray) != "") $images = explode(",", $setimagearray);

    else $images = getFileInDir($folder, $orderby, $sort );

    if (count($images) > 0) {

    $imgcount = 0;

    $firstImage = '';

    $transDetails = '';

    $captionDetails = '';

    $imageArray = array();

    $captionArray = array();

    $listDescription = "";

    foreach($images as $img) {

    if ($imgcount++ == 0) {

    if ($startwith)

    $firstImage = $folder . $startwith;


    $firstImage = $folder . $img;


    $imageArray[] = "'$img'";

    if($showDescription) {

    $captionsArray[] = (isset($descriptionArray[$img]) && isset($descriptionArray[$img]['caption'])) ? str_replace("'", "'", $descriptionArray[$img]['caption']) :'';

    $urlsArray[] = (isset($descriptionArray[$img]) && isset($descriptionArray[$img]['url'])) ? $descriptionArray[$img]['url'] :'';



    if ($showDescription) {

    $listCaption = " captions: ['" . implode("','", $captionsArray) . "'],";

    $listURL = " urls: ['" . implode("','", $urlsArray) . "'],";


    if ($mootools) { echo '<script src="'.JURI::base().'modules/mod_jaslideshow/ja_slideshow/mootools.v1.1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>' . "n"; }

    if (trim($animation) == 'push' or trim($animation == 'wipe')) $transDetails = "transition: Fx.Transitions.$effect";

    else $transDetails = "transition: Fx.Transitions.sineInOut";

    echo '<script src="'.JURI::base().'modules/mod_jaslideshow/ja_slideshow/ja-slideshow.js" type="text/javascript"></script>' . "n";

    $linktag = '<link href="'.JURI::base().'modules/mod_jaslideshow/ja_slideshow/ja-slideshow.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />';
    JHTML::stylesheet('ja-slideshow.css', JURI::base().'modules/mod_jaslideshow/ja_slideshow/');

    $buffer = ob_get_contents();

    $pos = strpos ($buffer, '</head>');

    if (!strpos ($buffer, "ja-slideshow.css") && $pos) {

    $buffer = substr ($buffer, 0, $pos) . "n$linktagn". substr($buffer, $pos);


    echo $buffer;


    echo '<div id="ja-slideshow-wrap">' . "n";

    echo '<div id="ja-slideshow-case" class="ja-slideshow-case">' . "n";

    echo '<img src="' . $firstImage . '" alt="' . $altimage . '" title="' .$altimage. '" />' . "n";

    echo '</div>' . "n";
    echo '<div id="ja-slidebar" class="ja-slidebar">' . "n";
    echo '</div>' . "n";
    echo '</div>' . "n";


    <script type="text/javascript">

    JaSlideshow = new JaSlideshowClass({

    siteurl: '<?php echo JURI::base(); ?>',

    type: '<?php echo $animation; ?>',

    pan: '<?php echo $ppercent; ?>',

    zoom: '<?php echo $zpercent; ?>',

    width: <?php echo $swidth; ?>,

    height: <?php echo $sheight; ?>,

    url: '<?php echo $folder; ?>',

    images: [<?php echo implode(",", $imageArray); ?>],

    <?php if (isset($listCaption)) echo $listCaption; ?>

    <?php if (isset($listURL)) echo $listURL; ?>

    duration: [<?php echo $timeanimation*1000; ?>, <?php echo $timedisplay*1000; ?>],

    <?php echo $transDetails; ?> ,

    navigation: '<?php echo $navigation; ?>',

    resize: <?php echo $autoresize; ?>,

    classes: ['prev', 'next', 'active'],

    play : <?php echo "'$play'"; ?>,

    thumbnailre: [/./, 't.']






    function getFileInDir($folder, $orderby, $sort){

    $imagePath = JPATH_SITE ."/".$folder;

    $imgFiles = JFolder::files( $imagePath );

    $folderPath = $folder .'/';

    $imageFile = array();

    $i = 0;

    foreach ($imgFiles as $file){

    $i_f = $imagePath .'/'. $file;

    if ( eregi( "bmp|gif|jpg|png|jpeg", $file ) && is_file( $i_f ) ) {

    $imageFile[$i][0] = $file;

    $imageFile[$i][1] = filemtime($i_f) ;




    $images = sortImage($imageFile, $orderby , $sort);

    return $images;


    function sortImage($image, $orderby , $sort){

    $sortObj = array();

    $imageName = array();

    if($orderby == 1){


    $sortObj[$i] = $image[$i][1];

    $imageName[$i] = $image[$i][0];





    $sortObj[$i] = $image[$i][0];


    $imageName = $sortObj;


    if($sort == 1) array_multisort($sortObj, SORT_ASC, $imageName);

    elseif($sort == 2) array_multisort($sortObj, SORT_DESC, $imageName);

    else shuffle($imageName);

    return $imageName;


    function checkURL($url){

    if(is_dir($url)){ $url = (substr($url,-1,1) == "/") ? $url : $url."/"; return $url; }

    else { return false; }



    jmartinez Friend

    DUDE YOU ROCK!!!! It worked!

    You have no idea how much stress you just saved me!

    (applause)and from the big apple, the latest joomla hero…J-I-M-G!!!!(applause)

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jmartinez 16 years, 2 months ago.

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