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  • ismocan Friend


    Serve scaled problem is all the time top problem of my web site load speed. Can you tell me what is the best solution for scaled images (for ja focus)?

    • When i was searching for solution, i saw there is auto generated images option for Ja Teline, so is it possible to use it for ja focus, too.
    • Before i was using Ja Magz II with less modules and images widths and was using Content – Resize Image on the Fly and Cache Plugin but this time i couldn’t make it work. (I mean it works only in category block page, but didn’t effect article categories module -news-1, news-2,…- images)
    • I’m not expert on php and coding, but as i understand by reading some pages it’s possible to solve this problem through php. Am i right? İf yes is it possible to help me to make it work.
      *And i know i can make intro images smaller on photoshop, but the problem is when i change the template the size of the images changes, too.


    Saguaros Moderator


    Could you clarify the issue in more details? like URL where I can see the issue and how the plugin Fly and Cache Plugin works, etc…. as by default, JA Focus doesn’t come with this extension.


    ismocan Friend

    That’s the URL İ worked;

    *Without publishing Content – Resize Image on the Fly and Cache plugin i get the error Serve Scaled Images in Gt Metrix (You can see on attachment)

    For example; is resized in HTML or CSS from 800×600 to 280×210. Serving a scaled image could save 61.4KiB (87% reduction). is resized in HTML or CSS from 800×600 to 355×266. Serving a scaled image could save 40.5KiB (80% reduction).

    With publishing Content – Resize Image on the Fly and Cache plugin with Intro Image size: 355266, i get the error in Gt Metrix like this resized in HTML or CSS from 800×600 to 280×210. Serving a scaled image could save 61.4KiB . (You can see on attachment) So it worked for 800×600 to 355×266.

    Then i tried to change the intro image sizes to 280*210 to see if it’ll work in sidebar-module. But it doesn’t effect anything i get again same error as before. So it doesn’t work for articles category module.

    But before when i was working with Ja Magz II it worked for all images in the template. And that was the solution for me to get no serve sclaed images by GT Metrix.

    That’s the part with Content – Resize Image on the Fly and Cache plugin.

    You can offer me another solution. Auto generated images option like Ja Teline, php or something else? I have all the time this problem with images so please tell me what’s the best solution for it?

    1. without-fiyandcacheplugin
    2. gtmetrix-without-flyandcache
    3. with-fiyandcacheplugin-355
    4. gtmetrix-with-flyandcache-355
    Saguaros Moderator
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