Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
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  • jbgorg Friend


    when I create a new section this is automatically published on magazine menu. I want to know if it’s normal? I have this problem. How can I fix it?

    Best regards,

    anaivelisse Friend

    Are you using the jazin plugin (magazine menu)? If that is the case, you need to go to your magazine plugin and deactivate the Automatic Update Setting. Then, go to your menu manager and unpublish your wanted menus.

    jbgorg Friend

    Hola Anaivelisse: Gracias por tu respuesta, efectivamente tengo instalado el plugin JAZin pero no encuentro la opción que me indicas. sólo tengo una parecida en Parámetros del plugin > Update setting > y por defecto esta activada la opción “No”, para probar activé “Yes” y apliqué pero el problema persiste. ¿Por favor, podrías espeficar el nombre exacto de la opción? , Qusiera tambien saber si es normal que en este plugin (JAZin) los Parámetros avanzados aparezcan la mayoria con estas leyendas:

    orderby_pri Element not defined for type = List
    orderby_sec Element not defined for type = List
    show_pagination Element not defined for type = List
    Pagination Results Ocultar Mostrar
    Show a Feed Link No Sí


    show_noauth Element not defined for type = List
    show_title Element not defined for type = List
    link_titles Element not defined for type = List
    show_intro Element not defined for type = List


    show_section Element not defined for type = List
    link_section Element not defined for type = List
    show_category Element not defined for type = List
    link_category Element not defined for type = List


    show_author Element not defined for type = List
    show_create_date Element not defined for type = List
    show_modify_date Element not defined for type = List
    show_item_navigation Element not defined for type = List
    show_readmore Element not defined for type = List
    show_vote Element not defined for type = List


    show_icons Element not defined for type = List
    show_pdf_icon Element not defined for type = List
    show_print_icon Element not defined for type = List
    show_email_icon Element not defined for type = List
    show_hits Element not defined for type = List


    feed_summary Element not defined for type = List

    Lo tienes igual? Gracias por tu ayuda.!!:)

    Sherlock Friend

    HI jbgorg !
    Have your problem solved ?

    jbgorg Friend

    Hi Hainn84!

    No, it haven’t. May you help me?

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi jbgorg ! teline ii use jazin plugin for auto update content to magazine menu , if you don’t want this function , you can use Mainmenu for top navigation , replace for magazine menu. You can login to admin >> extensions >> JA teline ii >> select main menu from menu type select box .

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Sherlock 15 years, 11 months ago.

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