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  • rani Friend


    Thanks for supporting RTL in the templates. However it seems there are some serious issue which prevent me from using Fixel for example.

    In Fixel’s landing page:

    1. The grid is not aligned to the right.
    2. Once you click on a post to read and you are in the light box mood, you have navigation arrows. the arrows work unexpectedly as it is LTR navigation and not a RTL navigation. It will definitely confuse website users.

    I really hope these issue are addressed.

    Thanks & Regards,

    rani Friend

    anyone has answer? or update?

    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi rani,

    Yes, I confirm the first issue. And it is easy to fix.

    Just open templatesja_fixeljsscript.js online 309 and the red code below

    columnWidth: '#blank-item',
    itemSelector: '.items',
    isResizeBound: false,
    transitionDuration: placeholder.length ? '0' : '0.4s',
    isOriginLeft: !Fixel.rtl

    For the second issue,
    Please open templatesja_fixellessrtlstyle.less and add

    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    .popupview {

    .popup-inner {

    &.current {
    .translate(0%, 0%);

    &.prev {
    .translate(125%, 0%);

    &.next {
    .translate(-260%, 0%);

    #popup-prev:before {
    content: @chevron-right;

    #popup-next:before {
    content: @chevron-left;

    to the end of file.

    Then, you need to re-compile CSS to LESS. This process is heavy and take some time.

    We will include those fixes in next release of this template.

    Sorry for any inconvenience.


    rani Friend

    Thank you. Very helpful.

    redigma Friend

    Thanks 🙂 was very helpful for me too 🙂

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  redigma 10 years, 8 months ago.

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