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  • Menalto Friend

    Here you can find your idnex.php attached. I added two modules below of ja-news now called rss1 and rss2 where you can publish whatever you want in. You still have the ja-news module position if you are in the need of it. But remember that ja-news position is above the two.

    tempusserbia Friend

    <em>@Menalto 57430 wrote:</em><blockquote>Here you can find your idnex.php attached. I added two modules below of ja-news now called rss1 and rss2 where you can publish whatever you want in. You still have the ja-news module position if you are in the need of it. But remember that ja-news position is above the two.</blockquote>

    As I understand him right, he wants to display feeds in JA news module? Not in other position. But it seems that JA news module can not read them.

    Menalto Friend

    Would be to restricted i think. By using multiple feed modules, and positions he have more flexibility in the set up of each feed.

    tempusserbia Friend

    <em>@Menalto 57440 wrote:</em><blockquote>Would be to restricted i think. By using multiple feed modules, and positions he have more flexibility in the set up of each feed.</blockquote>

    Yes, I must say that you are 100% right about that.
    Maybe, I have not understand what he wants to do. 🙁 Sorry.

    beyondsports Friend

    thanks menalto….almost there… im getting a simplepie.php error…ive set the permissions to ” 777″ and still it is there…. and is it possible for the feeds to be laid out in 2 columns–2 to a row….i have gone into the php file and added 4 additional feed positions…. right now with 4 feeds it is giving me 4 across… do i need to also edit the index php file for the ja news— i saw another one of your posts which mentioned the template developer had scripted the file to default to the ja news component and not the default frontpage for joomla….

    take a look at the site:

    like said almost there….thanks so much for the help to this point….do i need to place the feeds inside of an article to take advantage of the headings…ie afl transactions / arena 2 news….i am going to remove all the articles from ja news and use it only to show a banner slideshow…

    hate to ramble on….but thanks for the help…look forward to your response…

    Menalto Friend

    You can put as many as you want there in 2 columns with 2 on each row.
    You can drop the ja-news for now until we get the RSS display correct and set that up as you want.
    The way it was in the download you have:

    That means you have 2 columns rss feeds, and you can put as many as you want below. I have not adjusted the css for it regarding margin/paddin/layout. So it might look a little stuck.

    Menalto Friend

    You can put as many as you want there in 2 columns with 2 on each row.
    You can drop the ja-news for now until we get the RSS display correct and set that up as you want.
    The way it was in the download you have:

    That means you have 2 columns rss feeds, and you can put as many as you want below. I have not adjusted the css for it regarding margin/paddin/layout. So it might look a little stuck.

    beyondsports Friend

    take a look… i have actually added rss3,rss4,rss5 and rss6…right now ive got 4 feeds up there and they are 4 to a row….i have gone in the main men> home button and set front page layout> which is set to 0 – 0 – 2 columns – 0…

    any idea’s what i need to do next…

    i have dropped ja news for the time being as well…


    beyondsports Friend

    god i am such an idiot… i removed rss 3 and 4 and i have my 2 columns…i am having permission issue’s any idea’s….what does this mean:

    Warning: file_put_contents(/home/httpd/vhosts/ [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7219

    Warning: /home/httpd/vhosts/ is not writeable in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 1623
    OurSports Central Arena Football League (AFL) News

    * Mayor Villaraigosa Wagers Professional Football TeamOn Outcome Of Lakers-Celtics Series
    * Tampa Bay and Orlando Battle to Reach Playoffs in “War on I-4”
    * Quick Hitters: Week 15
    * More Milestones Within Reach for Dragons Veterans
    * Interactive Digital Billboard featuring the Soul debuts in Suburban Station

    gives me the error then displays the news…weird…

    beyondsports Friend

    nevermind fixed…. had to dig into the directory and set permissions for some file’s…. is it possible to put a header to the feed/s? like you see on my frontpage now…

    thanks for helping…


    Menalto Friend

    Like this: AF2 Transactions?

    beyondsports Friend

    thanks for your patience and help…

    ok by now you’ve gotten a slew of emails..this is where im at… i edited the index file to allow one to use the telline frontpage normally instead of being stuck with ja news… it is working fine…. i added the banner up temporarily… id like to put ja news up there cause it play’s a slideshow of pix whereas the banner doesnt—right….when i delete the category’s in ja news it picks up all the article’s in the category section for some reason…any idea’s….

    i apologize for all the post’s—i am jumping all around…. and yes i do want to use the ja vm product slider — at some point i want to add football helmets that will scroll across the top of the page…

    this is what i am trying to do:

    1. use ja news stricty to display pix…nothing more…
    2. if you go to the site you will see the rss feeds -working great… is their anyway to put a greyed out box over the heading for each feed?
    3. what do i need to do to add the ja vm product slider–again i want to put it on top of section’s ” c ” and ” d ” in the module layout for telline….

    i am sure at some point i will have additional question’s…

    thanks again

    Menalto Friend

    <blockquote>1. use ja news stricty to display pix…nothing more…</blockquote>
    Drop that idea now, there is plenty of other modules to show pictures with, check out the one from Geinsta.

    <blockquote>2. if you go to the site you will see the rss feeds -working great… is their anyway to put a greyed out box over the heading for each feed?</blockquote>
    Yes, by add a module suffix for it or just change some i the css for the module positions.

    <blockquote>3. what do i need to do to add the ja vm product slider–again i want to put it on top of section’s ” c ” and ” d ” in the module layout for telline….</blockquote>
    Are you going to sell helmets?
    IF not drop it, that module is buildt for use with VM, if you gonna use it you need Virtuemart installed and configured.
    Hmmmm, if you just gonna show helmets sliding around at top there i think i need to think for a few here.

    beyondsports Friend

    how would i add the greyed out box over the rss feed headings ? i will check out another gallery or slideshow …but how would i position it over module ” c ” and ” d “…


    hendersonline Friend

    Hi Trey,

    I have just PM’d you to ask for help on the permissions issue for simplepie etc. Can you please share your solution as I have the same problem but lack your insight.

    Many thanks


    <em>@beyondsports 57530 wrote:</em><blockquote>god i am such an idiot… i removed rss 3 and 4 and i have my 2 columns…i am having permission issue’s any idea’s….what does this mean:

    Warning: file_put_contents(/home/httpd/vhosts/ [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7219

    Warning: /home/httpd/vhosts/ is not writeable in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 1623
    OurSports Central Arena Football League (AFL) News

    * Mayor Villaraigosa Wagers Professional Football TeamOn Outcome Of Lakers-Celtics Series
    * Tampa Bay and Orlando Battle to Reach Playoffs in “War on I-4”
    * Quick Hitters: Week 15
    * More Milestones Within Reach for Dragons Veterans
    * Interactive Digital Billboard featuring the Soul debuts in Suburban Station

    gives me the error then displays the news…weird…

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