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  • maryorycuf Friend

    Thanks to your help. I managed to install the module rsgallery in template kulanite, but now I have a problem, clicking on the link on the images only opens a page blank, and not leads me to the gallery or any other I link that binds together the picture. But if I install in my Joomla templates for Ja Avian and put it in default if it works links, but without changing anything.

    I explained to click on the images should open a new page with the gallery where she is or failing a page created in the same Joomla, but that does not happen only opens a page blank… anyone can help me… :confused:

    Thanks in advance.

    Sherlock Friend

    please edit index.php(templates/ja_kulanite folder)
    Search those lines:

    <?php if(!$tmpTools->isFrontPage()) : ?>
    <jdoc:include type="component" />
    <?php endif; ?>

    Change to

    <?php //if(!$tmpTools->isFrontPage()) : ?>
    <jdoc:include type="component" />
    <?php //endif; ?>

    maryorycuf Friend

    Hello nguoiabcd

    I’ve tried to edit the index.php of Template JA Kulanite to modify the code that you told me, but that segment of code that your samples me there does not appear in the index.php and I have tried to amend similar codes to see if they work, but Similarly not worked. By clicking on the images of the gallery opens a blank page instead of the link that I have assigned.

    Previously I had already edited the index.php of template to include RSGallery module, with the help of moderator hainn84, that code is on page 5 of this forum under the name JARsgallery in JA_Kulanite.

    Deputy index.php amended to include the module RSGallery and index.php the original (unchanged) Template JA Kulanite

    Please if you can help me, thank you so… Thank you for your prompt response…

    Sherlock Friend

    Please provide me with url and if possible, an admin account of your website, I will have a look at the issue.
    And seem i miss your spec here, only have Rsgallery2 component, not have Rsgalley module

    maryorycuf Friend

    Hello nguoiabcd,
    Unfortunately for me, I find myself in an internal network, and even my site has no access through the Internet, but just wants to help me if I could send the installation I have in my computer to see it.

    And if you’re right, there is not a module RSGallery.

    I have installed the component RSGallery and module JA RSGallery2 slider, with the template of JA Kulanite, the problem is that when selecting an image and click opens a blank page instead open the linked page to the image.

    I await your response and I appreciate any help you can give me… Greetings.


    maryorycuf Friend

    Hello nguoiabcd,
    Good afternoon, I installed my joomla, in a free hosting to show you the error, I created an account administrator to have access, and you can help me.

    The direction in which I see is:

    Your administrator:

    Additionally, by creating user type: manager, editor and author, allows them to login on the site, and write a news, but when they click to save, it does nothing. It shows an error in the script.


    Sherlock Friend

    please send FTP account via PM

    maryorycuf Friend

    Hello Good Morning,
    I hope you’re well and thanks for everything, here you sending ftp access in PM, the website that you mount as you asked me.

    I ask you, please, that the changes you make to the code, or changes to be made, I explain to them the locally too, and when you have to make at the installation which will be online, once completed the whole design. Because that mountain site where it is provisional, and once finished advise me and everything works properly it down on the web.


    Sherlock Friend

    Where do you download RSgallery 2 component ?
    And please send me admin account again via PM

    maryorycuf Friend

    Ok, I sent you admin account via PM.

    I am working with the kulanite quickstart 1.0.15, both the module as a component RSGallery2 and the module RSslide, i’m using that come with the package of ja_avian. I downloaded here in joomlart. And change the template of kulanite with user6

    I had already edited the index.php of template to include RSGallery module, with the help of moderator hainn84, that code is on page 5 of this forum under the name JARsgallery in JA_Kulanite.

    I need that the gallery, on click a image open a link of a content or a other website, using ja-kulanite.

    Thanks for all!! Is urgent!

    Sherlock Friend

    Please check your site
    I edit base.class.php(templates/ja_kulnaite/ja_menus folder)
    Change those lines:

    function loadMenu(){
    if(defined( '_JEXEC' )) $this->loadMenu_15();
    else $this->loadMenu_10x();

    function createParameterObject($param, $path='', $type='menu') {
    if(defined( '_JEXEC' )) return new JParameter($param, $path);
    else return new mosParameters($param, $path, $type);

    function getPageTitle ($params) {
    if(defined( '_JEXEC' )) return $params->get ('page_title');
    else return $params->get ('header');


    function loadMenu(){


    function createParameterObject($param, $path='', $type='menu') {

    return new mosParameters($param, $path, $type);

    function getPageTitle ($params) {

    return $params->get ('header');

    maryorycuf Friend

    Hello nguoiabcd,
    Good afternoon, I did what you told me and it works well, and displays the images in the gallery to make it click. Just one thing, when images are larger, where space allows you to see, tends to place them below the menu. It will be possible, that these images fit into space?

    Thanks for everything, really very much appreciate all your help and care. I am pleased with the technical support provided … And I hope I can continue to receive your help.

    On the website of proof, I have placed a new image in the gallery, the size of which I use to see what I say. Similarly put an image.

    Sincerely … … thank you very much.

    1. error
    Sherlock Friend

    please upload to test server, i will check to help

    Sherlock Friend

    please upload to test server, i will check to help

    maryorycuf Friend

    Hello nguoiabcd,

    And put a new image in the gallery, at the test site, the picture is about the size of which I use to see what I say. The image exceeds the size of the space to display the content, and is positioned to the right menu. I would not exceed that size, showing the image adjusted to the size of the content.
    Because in Firefox the image is positioned to the right menu outside of the space, and Internet Explorer down menus.

    Thanks for everything ….

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)

This topic contains 18 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  maryorycuf 15 years, 8 months ago.

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