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  • kyletbrown Friend

    Hi, no matter what I try, I can not get the tabs on the main menu to display only when the user is ‘special’ (ie not public, not registered). Works fine for public vs registered, but if I create a menu item and give it a permission of ‘special’ it display for any registered user.

    Help would be greatly appreciated.

    cjmicro Friend

    Can you show a link to the site? Are you talking about the whole main menu or just certain menu items?

    Is the item itself restricted to special or just the menu item? (IE the article)


    kyletbrown Friend

    Thanks Cheryl,

    I have the main menu item as special, and the article as special. The main menu shows up, along with this tab marked as special, all the time.

    I’ve set user group id’s to something other than registered or public (so by default special) and no matter what I do, all the main menu items are always displayed.

    Looking into the code, it appears there is a problem with this template using the J 1.5 security layer?

    The issue is in file:


    on or about line 39

    $this->items = array();
    $aid = $user->get(‘gid’,0);
    foreach ($rows as $index => $v) {
    //jcr this is cause of menu bug
    if ($v->access <= $aid) {

    $v->access is the access level for the menu from the jos_menu table (0,1, or 2) and $aid is the gid value from the jos_users table which maps to jos_core_acl_aro_groups. As coded this will not work. Somehow it needs to map to the jos_group table but I am not seeing how this mapping is set up.


    cjmicro Friend

    Sorry Kyle, I don’t know about the group features or the bug… hopefully someone else can help you. Have you tried it on another template?


    kyletbrown Friend

    Yep, works on other templates, just not the one I want!

    Thanks for the help Cheryl

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  kyletbrown 15 years, 4 months ago.

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