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  • impy2101 Friend

    I’m going to make a long story short. I have over a period of 2-3 months been trying to install a clean copy of Kranos – my biggest hold up was waiting for my boss to go to Yahoo and have them drop the database and reset it up. (At some point I thought my problems were due to create rights of the administrator of the db and I inadvertently set the dba to “user” and no longer had admin rights needed to install.)

    Anyway, I am so incredibly – frustrated with all the uninstalling and installing. Especially when my boss started fooling around with the user rights because he simply did not understand what the db user was on the website. He kept trying to reset the ftp user. So (I guess I couldn’t keep this story too short).

    I would like to just get a clean copy (re)installed of JA Kranos – but the last two times I went back and and deleted all the directories and recopied the files up to the website to install I encountered all sorts of problems. I have JA Kranos installed now finally and I think right now my biggest problems are that I have deleted too many times and deleted something I wasn’t suppose to delete. I have problems related to missing files, i.e. 404 errors when I click on the Kranos logo (it should take me to index.php (I think?) and instead I get 404 errors) I would dearly love to just reload the quick start package up to the website and run through the installation process but I don’t think that will work – the last time I tried to do that – I wound up always on the final page of the installation with the warning message saying that I needed to delete the installation directory, instead of starting on the first page (step 1). I’m too scared with all the problems I’ve had to delete everything and start over.

    Surely there is a way to refresh the installation (ensure that all the directories and needed default files are back in place) and letting me install the sample data, as well? I’ve been futzing around adding data trying to figure out where I went wrong it’s just too time consuming. I guess I’d rather have the sample data – even though there is so much of it (cluttering up the menus and confusing me). I’m not committed to anything I stuck on the web site – so suggestions to drop a table in the db or anything like that – if it means refreshing it are welcomed.

    I get a lot of these kinds of errors when I’m modifying something in the administrator menus: JFolder: :folder: Path is not a folder. Path:

    Stork11 Friend

    Hello impy2101,

    You need to delete all old folder and old database, then reinstall new fresh quickstart package.


    impy2101 Friend

    That was not the answer I was looking for – however…I took you up on your advice and now I’m back to where I always wind up when I have to re install because I’ve made some small error or another – why doesn’t this have the option to repair or reinstall without having to delete everything on the website? I deleted every thing I could with the exception of the directory that holds mysql and a directory that hold old website files (not joomla). When I delete everything on the website – I am unable to delete a few files. I usually give up at this point and copy everything over and come to this screen on the installation:
    You will not be able to proceed beyond this point until the installation directory has been removed. This is a security feature of Joomla!.
    Why? What am I not removing that causes this to come up each and every time I do this????? It usually results in me deleting all the directories over and over again until I finally get back to the install screen – at which point I’m so terrified of screwing it up because I don’t want to go back to that sad stuck message again. Last time it happened I chose to install all the sample files and all I got were blank screens so I deleted everything and recopied (and deleted and recopied and deleted and recopied and deleted and recopied until I finally hit some magic combination and was able to install again).

    I was actually starting to learn how to use Joomla until I stumbled upon this joomlart site and got greedy and forked over money to use one of these templates. Now I’m in this nightmare of deleting and copying files with no results. I don’t have luxury of owning my own webserver. I’m 9 days away from losing my house to foreclosure. I have PTSD from being in a war. I haven’t been able to find a job for 3 years and I’m being defeated by a stupid program that I paid for…

    impy2101 Friend

    Well, here I am going around in circles again. I removed all the files – copied them all up again – hours and hours later – I now reinstalled them only this time I installed with sample files because the last time I installed without samples I kept getting error messages that directories were missing. I uninstalled the time before that because when I installed with sample files my website came up blank – bear in mind now between all of it this it takes me 3-4 tries (and days) to get through the process. Now I’ve done as advised above and I’m back to bblank screens. Yay.

    impy2101 Friend

    Well, I think we can pretty much close this one – I’d guess anyone using Yahoo hosting is screwed – if they want to use Joomlart templates – at least the Kranos template. I found error messages in my script.log indicating that I needed to alter my php.ini file to allow for more memory. Unfortunately, yahoo doesn’t allow any alterations on php.ini files since it’s shared hosting. Can I get my money back on these templates?

    Stork11 Friend

    Hello impy2101,

    1./ For your problem, can you PM me with your FTP account (if possible, an account to access your cPanel is better)? So I can diagnose this problem. Please include this forum thread URL in your PM, so I can follow it.

    2./ For your refund request, I have checked your payment record with our Accounting Dept and I am really sorry that it is out of hand to proceed this as you did purchase the membership nearly 2 months ago. Your payment is over 7 days money back guarantee policy stated at
    Greatly appreciate your understanding and look forward to hearing from you soon.

    We are willing to help you out of any upon receipt of additional info.

    Thank you so much.

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